Mom Lets Dog Choose a Build-A-Bear Stuffed Animal and He Couldn’t Be Happier

Many dogs have some sort of obsession. Usually, it's a toy or a security blanket, but it could also be a stuffed animal.

TikToker Kate Cook, who owns a Weimaraner, has this type of dog that is obsessed with stuffed animals. So she decided to take him to a Build-A-Bear workshop so that he could choose his very own Build-A-Bear stuffed animal, which she shares in this video posted on November 27, and it's the cutest! Let's check it out!

How cute is this?

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And this process is fairly easy.

As you can see, Kate took her dog to the Build-A-Bear store and he chose reindeer, perfect for the holiday season.

Dogs often have a keen sense of smell and may be drawn to certain scents or textures, so it makes sense that some dogs would choose a stuffed animal over other toys or become slightly obsessed with them.

Reason Why Your Dog Might Be Obsessed with a Stuffed Animal

Dogs may develop an obsession with stuffed animals for various reasons, and it often boils down to individual personality, instincts, and past experiences.

Some dogs have a natural instinct to collect items that bring them comfort. Stuffed animals, with their soft textures and often squeaky or crinkly sounds, become prized possessions for these dogs.

My Pit Bull is one of them and is obsessed with his squeeky stuffed animal cow that he sleeps with and occasionally plays with.

Comfort, Security and Sensory Stimulation

Stuffed animals, with their soft textures, can provide a comforting and secure feeling for dogs. That being said, dogs may enjoy cuddling with plush toys, especially when they are left alone or during times of stress.

Since stuffed animals often come with various textures, shapes, and sometimes even squeakers or crinkly materials, some dogs, with their keen senses, may be attracted to the sensory stimulation provided by these toys.

Loneliness, Boredom, and Nesting Instinct

As we know, dogs are social animals, and if left alone for extended periods, they may seek companionship and entertainment. In other words, stuffed animals can serve as surrogate friends, providing a target for play and interaction.

Some dogs have a strong nesting instinct, and they might gather soft items, including stuffed animals, to create a cozy space. This behavior is often seen in breeds that were historically used for nesting and burrowing.

In Summary

A dog's obsession with stuffed animals can be a charming and amusing trait that often adds an extra layer of personality to their behavior, and some dogs are just naturally playful and enjoy engaging with toys. Stuffed animals, with their soft and interactive features, make for enjoyable playthings.

However, it's important to observe and understand your dogs' behaviors to ensure that their obsession with stuffed animals remains a positive and safe aspect of their lives.

Therefore, monitoring the condition of the toys, providing a variety of play options, and ensuring that the dog doesn't ingest any harmful materials from the stuffed animals are crucial considerations.

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