Mom Gives Rottweiler ‘Performance Review’ and the Pup’s Face Is Priceless

Ever thought about giving your cat or dog a quarterly performance review to determine how they're doing overall and how they could improve? You totally should.

TikToker @munchandzeke did this with her Rottweiler, which she posted in a video on November 26, and his face is priceless. Let's see it for ourselves!

Look at his face!

Related: Rottweilers’ Reaction To Hearing Mom Get Food From the Fridge Are So On-Point

It's as if he was listening and maybe even agreeing, except with the toy box.

Why Dogs Can Get Anxious

While dogs make great emotional support animals, they can also pick up on our energy and get anxious as well.

Here are a few reasons why some dogs may become anxious while helping their owners with anxiety:

Empathy and Mirroring Emotions

Dogs are known to be highly empathetic animals. They can pick up on the emotions of their owners and may mirror those emotions. If a dog senses anxiety or stress in their owner, they might absorb and reflect those feelings.

Uncertainty and Lack of Control

Dogs thrive on routine and predictability. If their owner's anxiety leads to changes in routine or behavior, it can create uncertainty for the dog, causing them to feel anxious.

Physical Sensitivity

Dogs have acute senses and can pick up on subtle changes in body language, scent, and vocal tone. If an owner is physically tense or exhibits signs of anxiety, the dog may react to these cues and become anxious themselves.

Environmental Factors

The environment can play a significant role in a dog's anxiety. If the owner is in a stressful or unfamiliar environment, the dog may sense the tension and respond with anxiety.

Lack of Boundaries

While dogs often enjoy providing comfort and being close to their owners, some dogs may become anxious if there are no clear boundaries. That being said, it may contribute to their stress if a dog feels overwhelmed or constantly exposed to their owner's anxiety.

Previous Trauma or Anxiety Issues

Dogs with a history of trauma or anxiety issues may be more prone to experiencing anxiety themselves. Helping an owner with anxiety might trigger memories or emotions related to their past experiences.

Owner's Response

How the owner responds to their own anxiety can influence the dog's reaction. If the owner becomes overly protective or exhibits anxious behavior, the dog may interpret it as a sign that something is wrong.

Why Some Dogs Eat Food or Things They Shouldn’t

Dogs may eat food or non-food items they shouldn't, due to a variety of reasons. One common factor is exploration and curiosity, as dogs use their mouths to learn about their environment, especially during puppyhood. Additionally, hunger or a nutritional deficiency might drive a dog to consume inappropriate items, emphasizing the importance of a balanced diet.

Boredom can also lead to this behavior, prompting dogs to engage in destructive actions as a way to alleviate their lack of mental stimulation. Anxiety or stress is another contributing factor, with changes in the household, routine, or the absence of owners potentially triggering dogs to eat things they shouldn't in response to heightened emotions.

Some dogs may resort to eating non-food items as a means of attention-seeking, even if the attention is negative.

The natural instinct of dogs, influenced by their wild ancestry, may drive them to consume a variety of items. For example, teething in puppies can lead to inappropriate chewing as a way to alleviate discomfort, emphasizing the importance of providing appropriate teething toys.

If a dog has successfully consumed non-food items in the past, it may develop a habitual behavior that requires consistent training and management to address. Finally, some dogs may be attracted to specific scents or tastes in non-food items, further contributing to their inclination to ingest inappropriate objects.

My Pit Bull once got into the trash and devoured my razor. I guess he was drawn to it because of my scent, and his separation anxiety kicked in.

What Could Help

To help mitigate anxiety in both dogs and owners, it's essential to prioritize the well-being of the dog and maintain a stable and positive environment.

This may include creating a consistent routine, providing a safe and comfortable space for the dog, and ensuring that their needs for exercise, mental stimulation, and social interaction are met.

Once the anxiety and stress are reduced, the eating of non-edible food may also decrease.

However, if the anxiety and behavior persist or pose health concerns, consulting with a veterinarian or professional dog trainer can offer valuable guidance.

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