Mom Captures Cat and Dog ‘Play Fighting’ in Heartwarming Video

Unsurprisingly, dogs and cats can get along just fine, especially if they've been socialized from an early age. Even if they sometimes tease one another, they still consider each other part of the pack.

TikToker Jessica has proof of such a wonderful friendship in a video she posted on October 30, and it will melt every dog and cat owner's heart!

Aw, look at these two!

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Dogs and cats often form heartwarming friendships, sharing the same living space peacefully and engaging in playful interactions such as chasing, wrestling, and playing with the same toys.

However, building a positive relationship often begins with gradual introductions, allowing them to become accustomed to each other's presence and scent.

That being said, once they establish trust with each other, dogs and cats can provide each other with emotional support and companionship, especially in new or challenging situations.

As you can see in the video, mutual grooming, where they lick or nibble each other, is a common behavior and indicator that signifies trust and affection, and that cat is already on it.

It could also mean establishing dominance, as we know cats always "wear the pants" in a cat-and-dog friendship.

But the dog doesn't mind it and gently nibbles back, letting the cat know he's cool with it.

My dog and cat have a different relationship. They lie back to back next to each other, or my cat sleeps in my dog's bed and loves to sniff him, but other than that, they don't engage much.

They may also learn to pick up behaviors from one another due to observational learning.

I do think at times that my dog thinks he's a cat, and my cat thinks he's a dog. My dog sure loves the cat food, which he accidentally sometimes gets a hold of.

Furthermore, the therapeutic benefits of having dog and cat besties contribute to stress reduction for both the pets and their human companions.


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