Minnesota Man Tragically Dies After Surf Lesson in Puerto Rico

Another person has passed away following a surf lesson while on vacation with his family.

A 51-year-old man named Ben King died on March 13 shortly after taking a surf lesson "with a professional surfer" at La Pared beach in Luquillo, on Puerto Rico's northeast coast, according to reports.

The Star Tribune reported that King "was pulled from the water by a tourist and taken by ambulance to a hospital but could not be resuscitated."

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King was an attorney, husband, and father of two from New Prague, Minnesota.

According to the story:

"After the lessons were over, King was wading in chest-deep water when he started to struggle, according to reports.

"Another tourist, Jason Igielski, was able to swim out to King and bring him back to shore despite the conditions.

"Three other tourists gave King CPR until an ambulance took him to a hospital in Fajardo, about 6 miles away. A police report said strong currents in the area were to blame.

"It's not unusual for swimmers to encounter strong tides at some beaches in Puerto Rico, according to the local tourism authority, and King's death along with several others in recent weeks have renewed calls to warn swimmers about riptides and ocean currents.

"Some local organizations have also called for a lifeguard corps to be established. Some 21 people drowned in Puerto Rico last year."

King's passing follows the late February death of a tourist who passed away following a surfing accident at Apple Bay in Tortola, according to The Virgin Islands Daily News.

Rest in peace, Ben.

[Editor's Note: According to a representative from an area surf school who contacted SURFER, King did not participate in the surf lessons that his family enjoyed.]


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