Midland Trail PTO works to promote a culture of reading

May 16—At the beginning of the school year, the Midland Trail PTO decided to focus its efforts on promoting literacy and reading for middle and high school students at Midland Trail.

One of the very first ways the PTO made good on the commitment was by coordinating with Fayette County Libraries to serve as Midland Trail's "Library on Wheels." According to a press release, the bookmobile now has a permanent stop at Midland Trail every other week during the school year. Students can get a library card, check out and return books and magazines, and access the library's online database which provides free access to articles, newspapers, homework help, test prep and many other free resources.

The PTO also worked with a local bookstore, A New Chapter in Lewisburg, to provide a schoolwide book fair at Midland Trail, the first of its kind at the school. According to representatives, it was a successful book fair that not only gave students and staff the opportunity to purchase books and gifts, but also invited the community to attend. Over 120 books were sold during the week-long event held in November.

On Friday, the PTO and Read Aloud Fayette County handed out 275 new books at the school. Every middle school student at Midland Trail was able to receive a brand new, free book through Read Aloud WV's book distribution. Midland Trail PTO hopes to encourage more parents to participate in Read Aloud and join in future outreach events.

The PTO is planning to further expand their efforts in the upcoming school year by training high school students to read to middle school students through the Read Aloud program, and they hope to start a book club.

If you would like more information, contact MidlandtrailPTO@gmail.com or find them on Facebook.