Love Story Between a Bearded Dragon and Sock Is Stealing Hearts Everywhere

On August 21, the greatest love story of all time was posted. No, it wasn't about the Royal family or any celebrities who decided to start dating after starring in a movie together, but it was about a lone sock and the Bearded Dragon who can't stop cuddling it.

Don't believe me? Check out the clip posted by TikTok user @Gizmo.and.percy of adorable Bearded Dragon Percy and his emotional support sock.

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I don't think I've ever really noticed how freaking adorable Bearded Dragons were until I saw Percy.

We need to talk about his face right here:


His expression is just so precious! Bearded Dragon owners can tell you that these little creatures are capable of forming strong bonds with the people who love them and they have a very calm and friendly nature, but we had no idea this extended to inanimate objects like socks discarded on the floor!

TikTok users are so invested in this love story and @Kayla comments, "I didn’t know sleeping lizards were so ADORABLE." @Haley replies, "That is downright adorable. He probably loves the scent." @Gatton adds, "That’s the cutest dinosaur I’ve ever seen."

If you need more videos of Percy's love affair with socks, you can see one here.

Bearded Dragons rely on external sources of heat to regulate their body temperature. They love to bask under heat lamps or in the sun to warm up. I'm not a Bearded Dragon owner (But I may rethink this after seeing Percy) but I wonder if his owner could briefly throw his sock pal into the dryer to make it even more appealing to Percy?

I'm not sure, but I would basically do anything for this sweet little guy!

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