Kids shoe drive underway for Bethel Mall

Apr. 9—The Bethel Mall project is now 25 years old. The effort that began with an idea of providing some back-to-school supplies for a handful of kids has gone through a mountain of changes, locations and expansions with one driving attitude in mind.

"It is such a delightful event to watch the kids pick out their own things and know they get to start the school year just like the other kids. They have everything they need. What an important feeling that is for kids who do not get the chance to go out and go shopping," said Bethel Mall Treasurer Kerri Dalton. "We try to keep in mind those families that cannot go out and do the big back-to-school shopping and cannot afford that."

The event is held each year the weekend before school starts. Once again, this year it will be at the Bethel North Church, with the kids working with a personal shopper to get shirts, socks, backpacks, school supplies and personal hygiene products.

One item though that has been on and off the list has been shoes. Organizers want new shoes back on the offerings after having to remove them.

"Last year, we had so much trouble trying to find shoes. Because the kids are required to wear athletic shoes that tie for PE, that is what we tried to get for them. We would try to have brand new shoes for them," said Dalton. "Some of our resources before had closed. We were not able last year to give them shoes and we had so many disappointed kids. That was one of the things they loved to come and shop for was brand new shoes."

Organizers are determined to try and get shoes available for up to 1,000 kids from age four to 18. That is why they are working now to build a stockpile of shoes.

"We are asking for good quality athletic shoes," said Dalton. "We have shoppers who will go out and look for great deals on them with cash donations. We get anywhere from 800 to 1,000 kids at our event each year and we are needing at least 2,000 pairs of shoes because there are so many sizes needed. Kids feet are bigger these days and that means we have to purchase more adult size shoes that are more expensive. We are looking to get that inventory filled up and get shoes to fit the needs of all of the kids. We serve preschool through grade 12. We have a lot of little feet and big feet come through."

Many of those feet have never been covered by a new pair of shoes. That is part of the reason for the effort now to get donations together to make things better for those little feet.

Dalton said that by using donations and some bulk-based savvy shopping they have been able to reduce the cost of items for a child from $125 to $25 per kid, and the kids and their families never spend a cent.

"That is how we have been able to survive for so long because of all of the generosity generated by this community toward this project," said Dalton.

People wanting to know more about the Bethel Mall project can go to the organization's Facebook Page.

Those wanting to volunteer or make a donation can contact the Bethel Church at 812-254-4819.