Jay Peak, VT Extending Operating Hours On Easter Monday

In observance of the Easter Holiday, Jay Peak Resort, Vermont, will offer extended weekend hours tomorrow, letting skiers load the lifts earlier than normal for a weekday.

The lower mountain will open at 8 A.M., followed by the upper mountain at 8:30 A.M. These hours match Jay Peak's weekend operating schedule. During standard weekdays, the lower and upper mountains open at 8:30 A.M. and 9 A.M., respectively.

What, you ask, should you do with the bonus time tomorrow?

Load the lift early, I suppose, and take advantage of the fact that Jay Peak is coming off a recent storm that dumped more than a foot of snow. The time extension isn't massive, but it is enough to tack some additional vert onto a ski that would've been slightly shorter.

The news of the Easter extension is, ahem, eclipsed by something even more exciting coming to Jay Peak later in April: a total solar eclipse.

Like several other Northeast resorts, Jay Peak is hosting a viewing party on April 8th to take advantage of the wondrous natural phenomena. According to Jay Peak, its piste is "closer than any major ski area" in the U.S. to the eclipse's path of totality.

Fittingly, a band will perform Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon at Jay Peak before the eclipse. There's another bad joke in there regarding that album's final track, but I'll spare you.

Related: Surprise Overnight Powder Alert Issued At Canadian Ski Resort

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