Surprise Overnight Powder Alert Issued At Canadian Ski Resort

Sunshine Village, Alberta, was treated to a surprise 12-inch powder day this morning.

The goods, as evidenced by a video shared later in the day, were, well, good.

Here's a look.

There's been a lot of talk about "spring" recently, but moments like this serve as important reminders: the ski season, particularly at Sunshine Village, isn't over yet.

Sunshine Village is looking ahead to another two months of lift-serviced skiing. Weather and conditions permitting, the resort plans to close on May 20th.

And let me tell you—few places do spring skiing like Sunshine Village. Top-notch views? Check. Long, rolling groomers? Check. Terrain parks? Also check.

I had one of my favorite days on snow at Sunshine Village years ago during a trip with my parents one spring. I ditched them—sorry, Mom and Dad—to lap the park on my own and had an absolute gas.

This weekend, the resort is looking to serve conditions similar to those I experienced, with partly sunny skies and mild weather. If you make it out, keep your eyes peeled for hidden, leftover powder stashes.

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