Interested in becoming a master gardener? Here's how

So, what kind of people become master gardeners?  Do they have a lot of experience beforehand?  How about knowledge, time and energy?

It just so happens that the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Oneida County has a Master Gardener Volunteer (MGV) program with something for just about everyone. It really doesn’t matter how much you know, or don’t know! You’ll still fit in.

Mary Anne Lorenz is a master gardener.
Mary Anne Lorenz is a master gardener.

What you do need is enthusiasm and a willingness to share your interests.

Let’s look at two master gardeners who have been involved in the program for several years, Mary Anne Lorenz and Lucas Russell.

Mary Anne didn’t discover gardening until she was in college.  As she put it, “I took a Botany class as part of a biology major and fell in love with plants.” 

Lucas’s interest in gardening began when he was about 5 and started a garden with his dad. He remembers that they didn’t have much “success.”

“I was focused on growing attractive weeds. I recall a large sorrel plant; and the veggie garden produced a baseball-sized watermelon, a misshapen cucumber and wormy sunflower seeds.”

Like many MG volunteers, they both had started some type of garden before they first heard about the program.  Lucas pointed out that his “garden” was indoors in the form of a large houseplant collection.

Those joining the program begin by taking a series of classes on all the elements of gardening. Soon they are learning all about flowers, herbs, vegetables, soil, pollinators, weather, planting, growing and harvesting. 

Speaking about her own garden, Mary Anne said “It has improved so much since I began learning with the MGV program. Learning is my favorite part.”

But it’s not just classroom learning. New volunteers go out and work in the Extension gardens. They get “their hands dirty” working alongside other gardeners who are dedicated to sharing their expertise.

“Working with other gardeners was a new experience (and most enjoyable),” Lucas said. “The joy and efficiency of working as a team allows us to accomplish bigger projects with more ease. It feels special to be amongst a collection of many talented people.”

Interested? Check out online the brochure, Become a Master Gardener Volunteer at Then submit an application by July 31, 2024, to secure an interview with a MGV Coordinator. You may contact Holly Wise at 315-736-3394 ext. 1-125 or email .

Cornell Cooperative Extension Oneida County answers home and garden questions which can be emailed to or call 315-736-3394, press 1 and ext. 333.  Leave your question, name and phone number. Questions are answered on weekdays, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Also, visit our website at or phone 315-736-3394, press 1 and then ext. 100.

This article originally appeared on Observer-Dispatch: You too can become a master gardener