Innes Graham Updates Fans on 2024 Plans

Innes Graham is a British enduro racer who burst onto the scene in 2022 when he placed third in the Enduro World Series on his home turf in Interleithen, Scotland as an amateur.

In 2023, Graham was picked up by Nukeproof. Since Nukeproof is in financial trouble, Graham was left without a ride. Watch him give an update about his plans for 2024 in a YouTube video below.

Graham, who quit his job to race, was in a bit of a pickle after losing a sponsor. Thankfully he was able to land on his feet and will be creating media for the UCI.

Additionally, Graham will do some racing including the iconic Stone King Rally.

At a time when many enduro racers are in a tough position, It is good to see Innes find a way to stay in the racing world. Read about the lengths Graham’s countrywoman Bex Baraona will go to to race in 2024.

Related: British Racers Will Rough It Just To Race Enduro World Cup

We at BIKE are excited to see Innes Graham’s contributions to racing in the coming World Cup season.

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