Indian Ring-Necked Parakeet Enjoying a Spa Day Will Make Anyone Want One

There's nothing better than a nice, relaxing shower to melt away all of your stress and tension from the day, and while you might not be ready for a shower yet, this video of Darwin the Ring-Necked Parakeet taking one will definitely leave you feeling Zen.

Darwin's mom shared the video on Monday, January 29th, and I'm so glad she did! Darwin is standing on a washcloth in the shower, with water sprinkling down on him. He's even got a little rubber ducky to keep him company. Although the video is only 10 seconds long, it totally relaxed me. Make sure your sound is on because that's the relaxing part!

So relaxing, right?! I swear at the beginning of the video that it looks like Darwin is actually smiling, which is strange because his beak can't do that, but he looks so happy! @Darwin's mom said in the caption that all of the sounds were real; "...the birds chirping in the background, and the sound of rain from the shower. Lucky bird gets a well needed spa day." Lucky bird, indeed! Is it weird that I'm jealous of this Ring-Necked Parakeet's shower? Darwin loves to sing - the only thing that would've made this video better is if he was singing in the shower!

Related: Mom Gives Her Bird a Tiny Microphone and a Show-Stopping Performance Ensues

Do Birds Need Baths?

After watching this I wondered, do pet birds actually need to take baths? It depends on the bird, actually. Some need a lot of water to bathe in while others only need to wet their beaks. In the case of the beautiful Ring-Necked Parakeets, the answer is yes, they do need to have regular baths. But you don't have to get them soaked like Darwin. A shallow dish full of water will give the parakeet enough water for them to bathe themselves, and an occasional spritz of water from a water bottle is like a treat!

Growing up, my family had a Yellow Naped Amazon parrot, who was like a sibling to us. His name is Otis, and he's as old as my sister...45 to be exact! During the summer, he loved having his cage rolled outside and for us to mist him with the hose. He would go crazy! We lived in Southern California, so the afternoon sun quickly dried him off. It's important that if you give your bird a shower like Otis' or Darwin's that you make sure to thoroughly dry them, so they don't go into shock - some birds (like parakeets) don't handle bathing well.

If you are considering making a bird a part of your family, make sure to do your research, which is true for any pet. Each different type of bird is different and requires different care. And I definitely would recommend considering a parrot - they're a lot of fun and very entertaining!

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