Huskies Have an Absolute Field Day After Blizzard Dumps Multiple Feet of Snow in Tahoe

Even though California is typically known for its sunny beaches and enviable balmy weather (Southern California, anyway), the Golden State has seen its fair share of wet weather this winter. Cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles have dealt with flooding and mudslides, while up in the mountains, snow continues to pile up. Even with spring fast approaching, some places in the Sierra Nevada Mountains are enjoying over 10 feet of fresh powder!

Though the weather conditions aren't that drastic in South Lake Tahoe, where Huskies Echo and Yuba call home, the doggy duo can't get enough of the latest blizzard's aftermath. The adventurous dogs went viral over the weekend of March 2 after a video of them romping through the snow captured viewers' hearts. It's easy to see why everyone is loving these snow pups--take a look!


OMG--they're having a blast! Echo and Yuba were made for the snow (literally) and they know exactly how to navigate through inches of fluffy new snow. Even when it piles up taller than they are, these snow dogs plow right on through!

Related: Excited Shelter Husky Couldn't Be Happier to Have a 'Snow Day' With Her Selfless Rescuers

The dogs' owner told ABC News that Echo is usually the leader of the pack when burrowing, digging, and trudging through the snow. He's the Husky with black and white fur, and he's a bit older than light-colored Yuba, who'd prefer to let her buddy do all the work. Smart thinking, Yuba!

Even though the older dog doesn't have as much energy or strength as her younger counterpart, she still enjoys snow days with her fur sibling and owner. If you look closely, you'll see both dogs leading the way at one point!

Keeping Dogs Safe in the Snow

Both Siberian Huskies are unfazed by the chilly temperatures, but not all dogs are built this way. Many dog breeds who are built for the great outdoors (like livestock guardian dogs and sled dogs) don't have to worry about getting too cold or wet thanks to their waterproof double coats, but other dogs will need extra cold weather protection.

To avoid snowballs and ice forming on the fur, investing in dog booties and a snow jacket may be a smart idea. Small dogs and lean dogs won't have the muscle mass to keep them warm, so these breeds shouldn't spend very long outside in the winter.

Remember, visibility can be limited during and after blizzards, so make sure to have a dog collar, leash, and even a flashlight nearby! With just a little thought and mindfulness, however, just about any dog can have a fun few minutes playing in the snow. Echo and Yuba are pros when it comes to the winter weather, but you don't have to be a Husky to enjoy the snow!

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