Huge Wave Pool Company Plans to Build 11 Massive Surf Parks in the U.S. and Mexico

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It doesn't seem long ago that wave pools were only a dream.

But now they popping up all over the world: Oahu, Abu Dhabi, Arizona, New York, the Swiss Alps, and lots of others like Kelly Slater's Surf Ranch, which are miles and miles from the nearest ocean.

And now, wave pool giant Aventuur is bringing them to 11 more destinations in the United States and Mexico.

Aventuur wrote in the post above:

"We’re excited to announce our plans to rollout surf, leisure and wellbeing destinations across North America, which is a huge milestone for our business. We’ve secured the exclusive rights to @wavegarden_official's technology for Atlanta, Austin, Dallas, Denver, Jacksonville, Las Vegas, Nashville, Phoenix and Los Cabos (Baja California Sur), and are also planning to develop projects in Los Angeles and New York."

That's a helluva lotta new wave pools.

The post was based on a recent story in Fast Company Magazine that reported:

"Aventuur is an upstart builder of what it’s calling integrated surf park developments, mixed use projects of hotels, housing, restaurants, and wellness facilities built around lagoons equipped with wave-generating technology."

Here's the juicy part:

"The company has just announced plans to bring these projects to 11 cities across North America, including New York, Los Angeles, Denver, Dallas, Nashville, Phoenix, and Baja California Sur.

"The first project, in a city the company declined to disclose, is actively being developed and could open as early as 2026.

"One day soon, visitors and residents could wake up and look out their windows to see surfers carving through picture-perfect barrels hundreds of miles from the nearest ocean."


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