Horse's Excitement Over Meeting Baby Buffalo Is Giving People the Feels

Horses are very social creatures, so it was no surprise when Ethel the horse noticed a baby buffalo inside her barn. She instantly wanted to greet the baby, and got so excited at the sight of her.

The baby buffalo was small enough to be carried, and she was so cute! Her meeting of Ethel was very precious. The two touched noses and sniffed one another to say hello.

This may be an odd pair, but maybe Ethel and the baby buffalo will eventually be able to interact daily. They already look like they would be great friends. They were both very calm and sweet to one another!

Related: Little Boy's Unique Bond with a Buffalo Is So Full of Love

While it’s unknown where the baby buffalo came from, maybe she was found orphaned and needed rescued. Or maybe her mom lives there at the farm, too.

Whatever the case, this pair is sure to become close someday. They were so friendly with one another and we’re sure that they’ll be social with each other every day.

Fun Facts About Buffalo

On average, an adult buffalo is about the same weight as your car. Male bison grow up to be huge at over 6 feet tall and 11 feet long. That’s definitely an animal you wouldn’t want to be on the bad side of!

An adult bison typically lives up to 25 years on average. Despite their hefty size, buffalo can run faster than horses. This will be fun to witness if the baby buffalo gets to play with Ethel the horse.

Despite popular belief, both female and male buffalo grow horns. When it comes to wild populations of buffalo, Yellowstone National Park is the only place in the country where buffalo have lived since prehistoric times. Cave drawings of buffalo are often discovered in the former living spaces of early people.

Their size can sometimes get in the way because buffalo are actually near-sighted, but on the other hand have a great sense of hearing.

Bison are actually really special as they are recognized as the nation’s official mammal. That is a great accomplishment!

In the wild, buffalo can be very dangerous. Their sheer size compared to a person is immense. They have the ability to stampede when threatened by predators, which would be a scary thing for someone to get caught up in the middle of.

In all, buffalo are spectacular creatures who live with complex social structures. They can form incredibly large groups which helps them stay protected from predators.

If this little buffalo joins any herd, maybe it will be with her horse friend Ethel.

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