
SEP 23 - OCT 22

This week, your plans prove to be good ones.

The week begins on Sunday, February 18, with the sun entering the sign of Pisces. For the next four weeks, you have an opportunity to establish new routines that can make a profound difference in your life. You might add daily exercise through an app or personal trainer. Libra, you could clear the kitchen of junk food. You might switch off social media so you can read a book or study an interesting topic. You could see big changes in your life in a very short time.

On Monday, February 19, the sun in Pisces makes a semisextile to Pluto in Aquarius and your house of children and younger relatives. Libra, you might be anxious to help someone younger, but it’s unlikely they are listening today. You might worry about their future or how much time they’re spending connected to technology, but this is not the day to state your case. Today, the person you want to speak to isn’t ready to hear your message.

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03 march - 09 march
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe