
MAY 21 - JUN 20

This week, you’re looking for a new road.

Things start off like a road race. The week begins on Sunday, January 28, with a trifecta of aspects. Mars squares the Nodes, Mercury trines Uranus, and Venus trines Jupiter. You’re done spinning your wheels. You want to see some progress. But it doesn’t matter how fast you’re going if you’re going down the same old road. Today, you’re given a choice to do something new, exciting, and just a bit outside your comfort zone. Sometimes going slowly helps you make more progress.

On Monday, January 29, Mars in Capricorn and your house of power trines Uranus in Taurus. Right now, you might be unwilling to take orders from anyone. Gemini, you want your freedom. That might mean it’s time to consider shifting from a job to your own business. Or you might be looking to move out on your own. It’s possible you’re thinking of a whole lifestyle change. Today, you could go in a completely new direction.

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11 february - 17 february
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe