Hilary Duff rocked a forest green slouchy sweater and fashion hat this past weekend, and #GOALS!

Hilary Duff rocked a forest green slouchy sweater and fashion hat this past weekend, and #GOALS!
Hilary Duff rocked a forest green slouchy sweater and fashion hat this past weekend, and #GOALS!

It can be genuinely hard to be comfortable and fashionable on a regular basis, but Hilary Duff has absolutely no problem with that. Need a burst of inspo for your wardrobe? Coming right up.

She was spotted at the farmer’s market in LA with her son, rugged up in an off-the-shoulder forest green wool sweater, ripped jeans, and some distressed white sneakers. Oh, and who could forget that Panama HAT!

Seriously, Hilary’s ensemble made us want to run to the store, buy literally everything she was wearing, and then find the nearest outdoor market. She just looked so insanely chill while also looking perfectly put together. She has officially won at the eternal style versus comfort struggle.

We just love the low-key vibe, because it’s especially important to be comfy while shopping…all that walking around and swapping clothes can get exhausting. With Luca by her side (wearing hilarious face paint), Duff looked totally chill.

And apart from shopping — which is always fun — Duff and Luca also went on a big inflatable slide! Way to bring on the holiday spirit, we say.

There’s a lot of pressure to wear holiday sweaters this month, but just remember, you can always make them your own. You can opt for a wintery green slouchy sweater like Duff, and no one will question it. Well, they might ask where you got it.

Guessss whooos excited for the weekendddd! ☝️‍♀️

A photo posted by Hilary Duff (@hilaryduff) on Nov 3, 2016 at 2:32pm PDT

Hey, you could even combine it with whimsical forest hair! Because why the heck not?!

Basically an adult

A photo posted by Hilary Duff (@hilaryduff) on Oct 17, 2016 at 8:37am PDT

Thanks for these awesome chill vibes, Hilary! We’re sufficiently inspired to browse that sweater rack. P.S. Your son is too adorable for words.

The post Hilary Duff rocked a forest green slouchy sweater and fashion hat this past weekend, and #GOALS! appeared first on HelloGiggles.