Heartwarming Baby Shower Wishes for a Card

A baby shower is an important time to support your pregnant loved one. Here’s our favorite baby shower card messages that are sure to warm (both!) hearts.



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Headed to a baby shower? Along with your gift, you may want to include a card with your baby shower wishes for the new parents. But you might be wondering what to write in a baby shower card. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of baby shower card messages you can use for just about any new family.

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Whether your best friend is about to give birth to their first baby, or your co-worker is welcoming a new little one, the best baby shower card messages show the parents just how excited you are for them as they bring their new baby into the world.

How To Write Great Baby Shower Wishes

Writing your own baby shower message is a great way to show the expectant parents your support and excitement for this huge milestone. These tips can help you figure out what to write in a baby shower card so you can get started crafting the perfect message.

Make it meaningful

This is a great opportunity to make the new parents feel special. After all, this new baby will soon be the apple of their eye! No matter what the nature of your relationship with the parents, a touching sentiment will always be appreciated.

Aim for the intended audience

That said, a baby shower message for your sister or your life-long best friend might read a little differently than one for a distant cousin, a neighbor, or a co-worker.

Keep it short and sweet

When it comes to baby shower wishes, it’s fine to keep it quick and simple. Deeper sentiments and congratulations can always be shared in person or even after the baby is born.

The Best Baby Shower Card Messages for a Bundle of Joy

Here are 53 baby shower wishes you can use when it comes time to write out a card for a baby shower. We’ve included sentiments suitable for the closest relationships, and more traditional congrats as well.

Classic Baby Shower Wishes

You can’t go wrong with one of these simple sentiments. Appropriate for any family dynamic, including single or LGBTQ+ parents, these classic baby shower wishes are just right.

  • Welcome to the world, little one!

  • Can’t wait to meet your bundle of joy!

  • Many congrats to the new parent(s)!

  • Best wishes on the arrival of your new baby.

  • Congrats! You’re about to embark on a wonderful journey.

  • Congrats on your new arrival!

  • Welcome to parenthood; it’s an amazing experience!

  • Wishing you all the best for your new baby!

  • Babies are a blessing, and I’m so happy for you.

Related: 10 Baby Shower Gifts for Parents Who Already Have Kids

Sweet Baby Shower Card Messages

Whether you’re about to become a grandparent or you’re watching your BFF begin their journey into parenthood, these sweet baby shower wishes go a bit deeper to show your love and affection for the parents as well as the new baby.

  • I’m so excited to be by your side as you become a new parent—you’re going to be amazing in this role!

  • This baby is so lucky to have you as their parents. Many congrats to you both!

  • I can’t wait to shower your new baby with so much love and joy!

  • Soon, your family will become bigger and even more wonderful. We love you and wish you the best on your new arrival.

  • Best wishes to you both as you welcome your sweet baby.

  • Many congrats on this wonderful milestone!

  • If your baby is even half as amazing as you are, you’ll be just fine.

  • Congrats on your first baby: I know you’ll be an absolutely amazing parent.

  • The tiniest feet leave the biggest footprints on our hearts. Congrats on your new baby!

  • As I watch you become a new parent, the love I have for you will now expand to a pint-sized version of you. Congrats and best wishes!

Funny Baby Shower Wishes

Parenthood is serious business! Lighten the mood a bit with these funny baby shower wishes for the new parents. They’ll know they can always count on you for a laugh when times are tough—like during 2 a.m. feedings!

  • Better you than me! Congrats!

  • All those sleepless nights and dirty diapers will be worth it. One day.

  • Things are about to get real around your house. Good luck!

  • Congrats on your upcoming bundle of joy. Something tells me this might be the last party you attend for quite a while!

  • Becoming a parent is easy. It’s the parenting part that’s hard! Best of luck to you both.

  • They say a baby is a blank slate. Here’s hoping yours gets the best of both of you!

  • Many congrats! I’ll be happy to babysit whenever you need “me” time!

  • The snuggle is real! Congrats on your new baby.

  • “Ah, babies! They’re more than just adorable little creatures on whom you can blame your farts.” —Tina Fey

Baby Shower Wishes for Twins or Multiples

Attending a baby shower for parents of multiples? Parenting more than one baby at a time sure is a game changer! Give a nod to this amazing event with one of these baby shower wishes for twins or multiples.

  • Double the fun! Congrats on your twins.

  • Sometimes the best things come in twos.

  • Double congrats on your duo!

  • You know what they say—twins are double trouble! But you’re up for the task. Best wishes to you.

  • Just imagine—three babies to love and cherish. So many congrats to you!

  • Sending congrats and best wishes for the birth of your babies.

  • Your babies will always have each other, and amazing parents, too. Many congrats!

  • Two babies means half the sleep. But it’ll be awesome anyway. Congrats!

  • Congratulations on all.the.babies!

  • Double bottles, double diapers, double blessed. Congrats on your twins!

Related: These 15 Meaningful Baby Shower Gifts for Rainbow Babies Honor Pregnancy After Loss

Baby Shower Quotes

We love the idea of including a quote in a baby shower card. After all, sometimes others have a way of saying exactly what we’re feeling, but in a more eloquent way. Choose one of these beautiful baby shower quotes for a special, unique baby shower sentiment.

  • A new baby is like the beginning of all things: wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities.” ~ Eda J. LeShan

  • “Sometimes the littlest things take up the most room in your heart.” ~ Winnie the Pooh

  • “Children reinvent your world for you.” ~ Susan Sarandon

  • “Babies are such a nice way to start people.” ~ Don Herold

  • “Words can not express the joy of new life.” ~ Hermann Hesse

  • “Children make your life important.” ~ Erma Bombeck

  • “Perfection only exists in babies and pastries.” ~ Gayle Wray

  • “A baby is God’s opinion that the world should go on.” ~ Carl Sandburg

  • “A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years, and in your heart until the day you die.” ~ Mary Mason

Baby Shower Wishes for Adoption

Adoptive parents deserve to be celebrated too! If you’ll be attending a baby shower for a couple who’s adopting a baby, include one of these baby shower wishes for adoptive parents in your card. These are sure to put a smile on their faces!

  • Your chosen baby is so incredibly lucky to have you as parents.

  • Congratulations on your adoption! This baby will be the perfect addition to your family.

  • Parenthood requires lots of love, but not DNA. Congrats on your adoption.

  • This baby was meant to have you as parents. Best wishes to all of you on this wonderful occasion.

  • Best wishes for your upcoming adoption.

  • At the end of the day, love is what makes a family. And you two have more than enough to give this special baby. Congrats!

Related: Colorful, Musical, Mesmerizing Baby Toys That Make Babies Actually Enjoy Their Dreaded Tummy Time

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