New Hampshire Ski Area Closes Temporarily

Wildcat Mountain, New Hampshire, has instituted a temporary closure today due to high winds.

The resort plans to open as usual tomorrow after hosting a Pass Holder First Tracks event from 8 A.M. to 9 A.M.

A wind advisory is in effect across the state until 3 P.M., with gusts as high as 50 miles per hour. AOL reports that thousands of New Hampshire residents woke up without power this morning due to falling power lines amid the gusty weather.

Eversource, New Hampshire's largest utility, is working to amend the outages, according to WMUR.

In its morning snow report, Wildcat Mountain noted, "It just gusted to 132mph on neighboring Mt. Washington."

Conditions are expected to mellow and become springy at Wildcat Mountain in the coming days, with temperatures in the mid to low 50s possible. Slushy spring skiing might be on the menu should the forecast pan out.

Wildcat Mountain Resort Stats:

Vertical: 2,112 ft.

Skiable Terrain: 225 ac.

Average Snowfall: 200+ in.

Lifts: 5

Snowmaking: YES

Night Skiing: NO

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