Swiss News Station Proposes Fining Skiers For Going Too Fast

In a recent news spot, Swiss outlet SWI swissinfo investigated and questioned a facet of skiing near and dear to many skiers' hearts: going really fast.

The video concluded with this question. "Should skiers be fined for speeding?"

The star of the show is Samuli Aegerter, a snowsports expert employed by Suva, a Swiss public-sector insurer that provides accident coverage.

Aegerter has dedicated a significant portion of his time to measuring the speeds of skiers with the goal of "raising awareness" about going too fast on the slopes.

Suva and Aegerter, of course, have a significant interest in the reckless skiing conversation. The insurer pays out CHF307 million each year to treat its clients. Presumably, they'd love to reduce that number.

Regulating skier speeds could be a means to that end. If skiers brought the pace down, the rate of slopeside accidents would likely fall, as would a portion of Suva's financial burden.

As you might expect, SWI swissinfo's video generated some controversy in the comment section.

"The whole point of skiing is that when you get good you go fast.... Stop ruining skiing, everyone, please," wrote one skier.

"I am experienced skier from my point of view limiting speed is A) not practical or even not possible at all B) stupid idea C) it would ruin the experience for many," said another.

It's true. Skiing fast is fun; that much is undeniable. For my part, I think the primary issue here isn't necessarily speed but recklessness in areas designed for beginner and intermediate skiers.

When you have room to let them run, you're only putting yourself at risk—it's best to keep it that way.

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