New Hampshire Ski Area Closes Chairlift, Announces Last Day Of Season

Yesterday, Whaleback Mountain, New Hampshire, announced the closure of its lone chairlift and an impending season closing date of March 10th.

The decision was spurred by "recent mild, rainy weather," Whaleback wrote on Facebook.

This week, the ski area's hours have been altered, with a closure in effect from Tuesday through Thursday. The resort reopens Friday from 2 P.M. to 5 P.M., hosting a cardboard box race and party.

Saturday and Sunday will see standard hours with skiing available in the "Learning Area only," Whaleback said. Sunday is the last day of the season.

"Here's hoping for more snow and hosting an A mogul event next year. Whalegating is the best!!," wrote one commenter below Whaleback's Facebook post.

In Enfield, New Hampshire—where Whaleback is located—NOAA predicts rain and above-freezing temperatures this week.

Last ski season, Whaleback saw over a foot of snow in mid-March. The ski area concluded the 2022-2023 ski season on Sunday, March 26th.

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