A Guide to Healing Crystals: Everything You Need to Know to Get Started

The benefits of crystal healing go far beyond their radiant aesthetic

<p>Getty</p> A Guide to Crystal Healing


A Guide to Crystal Healing

If you’re a fan of crystals, chances are you can’t get enough of their beauty, but what if I told you the benefits of healing crystals can open a whole new dimension of health and harmony in your life?

From elevating meditation practices to adorning luxury fashion, it wasn’t long before the hype around crystals made its way to Hollywood, thanks to numerous stars crediting them for being part of their wellness and beauty routine. This has increased their popularity and simultaneously validated their benefits.

Celebrities including Kim Kardashian and former Victoria Secret supermodel Miranda Kerr have not only discussed their connection to crystals but have also launched their own crystal-inspired beauty products. Similarly, former RHOBH star Yolanda Hadid gave the world a sneak peek of her morning meditations with her granddaughter alongside her crystal garden.

Whether in hopes of calming your mind or enhancing your wellness routine, read on for a guide to healing crystals and everything you need to know to get started.

Related: Heidi and Spencer Pratt Show Off Human-Size Crystals and Massive Self-Portraits on MTV's 'Cribs'

What is crystal healing?

<p>Getty</p> crystal cluster


crystal cluster

Crystal healing is rooted in ancient traditions, where it was utilized to better one’s physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Although it's not scientifically proven, each crystal is believed to possess unique vibrations and energies that can offer different healing properties. If you’re still not a believer, it’s important to note where crystals come from and how they’re formed.

Crystals are minerals formed deep within the Earth’s crust under extreme conditions; hence, the crystallization process can take as little as a few days to thousands of years. This slow and potent process contributes to the formation of their unique geometry, which is why crystals come in all shapes and sizes.

A crystal comprises an arrangement of atoms, which, according to NASA, are the foundation of matter. More importantly, as these minerals gradually make their way to the surface — more than often through volcanic eruptions and the constant shifting of tectonic plates — they bring with them the energy and natural vibration of Mother Earth.

Today, crystal healing is widely embraced in the wellness community. Spiritual healers and holistic medicine practitioners incorporate crystals in various ways, such as placing them on specific parts of the body to target energy centers (also known as chakras) or keeping them in their living spaces to influence the energetic atmosphere. 

What are the different types of crystals and their meanings?

<p>Getty</p> amethyst, rose quartz, crystal quartz


amethyst, rose quartz, crystal quartz

Clear quartz: The “master healer” of stones, clear quartz is known for its ability to clear the mind, energize the body and cleanse spaces of negative energy. In addition to aiding concentration and unlocking memory, it can amplify thoughts and energies, which is why it’s often used or placed alongside other crystals.

Amethyst: A cluster of violet quartz crystals, the amethyst is associated with the third eye (crown chakra) and is often used to activate spiritual awareness and enhance one's psychic abilities. A natural tranquilizer, it is known to calm the mind and reduce stress and anxiety, which is why it can also be used as a sleep aid. If not utilized for personal use, it can be placed in a specific area to help create a peaceful environment.

Rose quartz: Often referred to as the stone of universal love, rose quartz is used to help heal and activate the heart chakra, enhancing the capacity to give and receive love. It is calming and reassuring, which can bring comfort in times of grief. If you’re hoping to use it as a way to bring a sense of peace and harmony to your surroundings, placing rose quartz in your space is also known to dispel negativity within the environment.

Lapis lazuli: A stone of protection often admired for its stunning royal blue hues and hints of gold pyrite flecks, lapis lazuli is associated with truth, mental clarity and self-awareness. It is linked with the throat chakra, which governs communication, and it encourages clear and truthful expression. Emotionally, lapis lazuli can also be used to overcome depression, trauma, and grief.

Black tourmaline: In spiritual practices, black tourmaline strengthens and detoxifies the mind, body and spirit against psychic attacks and negative influences. It can also be used as a protective shield to surround the aura, which is why it can benefit those who are facing high levels of stress or are perhaps in a constant state of worry. You can either carry it with you or place it somewhere in your home to maintain a grounded and protected environment. 

How do you use crystals?

<p>Getty</p> Crystal quartz wand


Crystal quartz wand

The use of crystals is closely aligned with spirituality; therefore, when exploring this metaphysical practice, following your intuition is key. First, it’s important to choose crystals that align with your specific intentions, whether for spiritual protection or cultivating your own healing practice. However, there will be times when you are intuitively led toward a specific crystal. In any event, cleansing your crystal once you’ve purchased it is essential, as you want to make sure to clear any stored energies it may have absorbed before you purchase it.

Once prepared, there are a variety of ways to use crystals. Intention goes a long way when working with energy, so be sure to be as intentional as possible when working with crystals. For instance, let’s say you purchase a black tourmaline to help repel negative energy in the workplace. You can carry the black tourmaline with you as a personal talisman or place it in your workspace. Meditating with the crystal before using it is also powerful, especially if you make it a point to speak your intention into existence while holding the crystal in your hand.

If you’re purchasing a crystal for physical or emotional healing, you can place the crystal on corresponding body parts (or chakras) during meditation after they’ve been cleansed and cleared. Being mindful and consistent about interacting with your crystals can also help maximize their effectiveness. Remember to set clear intentions while consciously affirming your goals whenever you interact with your crystals. Energy flows where intention goes.

How do you charge your crystals?

<p>Getty</p> Clear crystal quartz


Clear crystal quartz

As previously mentioned, crystals are made up of atoms, so charging them can help revitalize and energize these atomic structures and enhance their natural vibrations. Just as crystals can absorb energies from their environment, they can also be recharged through various methods. Here are some of the most common methods to charge crystals:

Sunlight: Placing your crystals in direct sunlight for a few hours can help energize them, but you’ll want to do your research, as the color of some crystals can fade under too much sun exposure.

Moonlight: One of the most popular methods is charging crystals under the light of the full moon. This method is both gentle and potent. To charge crystals using moonlight, simply place them outside or on a window sill where they can be exposed directly to moonlight. Be sure to remove it before the sun comes up.

Sound: Sound frequencies (such as bells, singing bowls or tuning forks) can be used to charge while directing sound waves toward the crystals.

Other crystals: Amplifier crystals (such as clear quartz and selenite) can charge smaller stones placed upon them. Simply lay the smaller stones on the larger crystal for about 24 hours.

How do you cleanse your crystals?



Cleansing your crystals is crucial when it comes to maintaining their purity and overall effectiveness, especially when used for healing or spiritual practices. Here are some of the most common methods used to cleanse crystals:

Smudging: Smudging can be either burning sage or palo santo, but this method is safe for all types of crystals. Hold the crystal in the smoke for about 30 seconds to a minute to clear stored energies.

Salt Water: Salt is known to remove negative energy; hence, it is a powerful and effective way to cleanse your crystals. Mix a tablespoon of sea salt into a bowl of water or fill a bowl with fresh ocean water. Submerge your crystals in the bowl for a few hours or overnight. When you’re done, remove the crystals and rinse them under running fresh water to wash away residual salt. Pat the crystals dry with a cloth or let them air dry to avoid any potential water damage.

Soil: Burying your crystals in natural soil for about two weeks can cleanse and recharge your stones with the natural energies of the earth.

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