The greatest travel experience of my life, according to 15 of our writers

The Namib Desert, home to zebra, antelope and one of our writer's most impactful travel memories
The Namib Desert, home to antelope, zebra and one of our writer's most impactful travel memories - Marco Bottigelli

By some accounts, the deathbed sounds like a pretty splendid thing. Here is the location and the occasion where, at the relevant moment, the major incidents of our lives “flash before our eyes” – childhood dreams, teen romances, adult achievements, parental joys. A glorious extended highlights reel – edited, and broadcast, for a single engaged viewer.

Does this really happen? Unhelpfully, nobody has stuck around long enough to confirm or deny conclusively. But what if this is the case? And if it is, which travel memory will make the cut, wedged somewhere between your first girlfriend/boyfriend, the birth of your children, and that day when you took all the glory in the school egg-and-spoon race?

We all have one – a halcyon afternoon when the world seemed perfect, and every footstep taken to reach that exact spot felt worthwhile. It might be a first glimpse of a particularly remarkable artwork. An encounter with a landmark of utter magnificence. A road trip through a landscape of astonishing beauty. An arrival at a place that you never expected to see first-hand, only to find that it is everything you hoped. A beach both gorgeous and deserted in a sunset glow. Whatever it is, it becomes indelibly engraved on the cranial hard-drive, there to be remembered forever. And, perhaps, re-enjoyed at that final curtain.

Here, 15 of Telegraph Travel’s regular writers take a trip back to their favourite travel experience – their own, subjective, finest hour, pulled from a treasure trove of journeys.

Of course, you will have your own. By all means share it with us, in the comments box…

1. Kaieteur Falls, Guyana

“A rainbow flashed across it, like a farewell wave from some ancient deity”

By Chris Leadbeater

Kaieteur Falls, Guyana
Chris Leadbeater's encounter with Kaieteur Falls

The world has numerous waterfalls. Some of them are big. Some of them are famous. And they all work in the same way – via the call of gravity, and the splash at the bottom.

But nothing had prepared me for my encounter with Kaieteur Falls, the roaring cascade which sees the Potaro River plunge some 741ft (226m) amid the rainforests of Guyana.

Well, almost nothing. A year earlier, I had visited Niagara Falls, and found it crowded and chaotic, any majesty the waterfall once had lost to selfie-sticks and dingy hotels. Kaieteur was – and is – nothing like this, waiting alone on the north-east shoulder of South America, without tickets, queues, or even guard-rails. On that November morning, there was no-one else there but my tour group. The sense of privilege has stayed with me.

Seen close-up, standing on the edge of the precipice, Kaieteur had a hypnotic effect on me. I could have lingered for hours. It was even more dramatic when we took off from the adjacent airstrip, hidden out of sight, which provides the only real way to reach the site other than a multi-day hike. As the plane cleared the treeline and the waterfall came back into view, a rainbow flashed across it, like a farewell wave from some ancient deity.

Journey Latin America’s 12-day Signature Guyana itinerary costs from £5,510pp (flights extra) and includes Kaieteur Falls.

2. The Great War sites of France and Belgium

“The notions of decency and self-sacrifice are in the air”

By Anthony Peregrine 

The Great War sites of France and Belgium
The great Vimy Ridge memorial in France - Alamy

I’ve roamed around a bit, been astounded by much, and moved by more, but never more intensely than before the Great War sites of Northern France and Belgium. The unremarkable region – hedgeless beet fields, industry, smudges of villages – is both scarred and ennobled by memories of the slaughter which churned up landscape and history. Huge cemeteries of military precision lend serenity to those denied it in life.

Memorials and reclaimed battlefields – Vimy Ridge, Beaumont Hamel – express not only the war’s importance in the narrative of nations but also our epic grief for the good guys who fought for their mates and their country. Now, these once-God-forsaken stretches are among the most dignified in Europe. People of all nations smile and speak. The notions of nobility, decency and self-sacrifice – encountered at, say, the Thiépval Commonwealth memorial – are in the air. I always hope they’re contagious.

Among companies offering organised Western Front tours are The Cultural Experience, Leger and Classic Battlefield Tours

3. Svalbard

“I crossed pristine white valleys into horizons stained pink and purple by an eternal dawn”

By Sarah Marshall

3. Svalbard
Marshall recalls a magical moment in the Arctic when spring had finally arrived - Getty

Breaking six months of darkness, the sun had risen for the first time that year. Even by March, Svalbard remains locked in a deep freeze, making snowmobiles the only possible mode of transport. For three days, I’d crossed pristine white valleys into horizons stained pink and purple by an eternal dawn. I’d slept in a disused radio station and camped in canvas tents, alert for the sound of polar bears at night. One final afternoon, the sky rained down a shower of golden ice particles, glinting like 24-carat confetti. The Arctic spring had arrived.

4. The Dolomites, Italy

“There’s something about those jagged peaks that stills the soul”

By Oliver Smith

The Dolomites, Italy
Smith: 'There's something about those dramatic, jagged limestone peaks' - Alex Moling

“Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride.” So said John F. Kennedy, and, since developing my passion for the hobby in my late 20s, my life has been punctuated by two-wheeled escapades that confirm the statement. The byways of rural Essex have been my regular partner, but it is when the road climbs skywards that “simple pleasure” is elevated to life-affirming experience – and nothing has quite matched up to the long weekend I spent riding up and down the mountain passes of the Dolomites.

There’s something about those dramatic, jagged limestone peaks, framed by pea-green pasture and blue sky, that stills the soul, inducing deep, involuntary sighs. And then wheezes, as the valley road becomes a twisting ribbon to the clouds. And then howls of delight as you hurtle down the other side. Paradise.

Corvara is the perfect base, and the Hotel Sassongher (rooms from around £300) the ideal hotel. There are several bike hire shops in town. 

5. Morro de Sao Paulo, Brazil

“We arrived late at night in another world”

By Amanda Hyde

Morro de Sao Paulo, Brazil
The Brazilian island of Tinharé is a cut above the Med islands, says Hyde - Alamy

The Med islands may have their fair share of party towns but, in my opinion, none can hold a torch to Morro de São Paulo on the Brazilian island of Tinharé. To reach it, we bundled into a boat from Salvador with a crowd from the mainland, arriving late at night in another world.

With few paved roads, there are no cars. Instead, we climbed the steps from the pier towards a crumbling colonial town centre edged in fairy lights while a man walked alongside us pushing our luggage in a wheelbarrow. The air hummed with lo-fi dance parties. Day revealed a string of beaches straight from an ad campaign (white sand, palm trees and neon blue water) – and, that night, we lay on one and watched shooting stars streaking across the sky.

Audley can tailor-make trips to Brazil, including time on Morro de São Paulo.

6. The Great Barrier Reef, Australia

“Nothing prepares you for that moment”

By Ben Ross

The Great Barrier Reef, Australia
The Telegraph's Head of Travel first experienced the Great Barrier Reef while backpacking up the Queensland coast in 1996 - Getty

It was spring 1996 and I was backpacking up the Queensland coast. I knew little about the Great Barrier Reef – back then an exciting day trip, rather than a symbol of potential environmental meltdown – but I wanted to take a look, despite the fact that I had never been snorkelling before. After a bumpy three-hour crossing from Airlie Beach, the dive boat stopped, seemingly at random, in the middle of the ocean. I fiddled nervously with my flippers for a bit. Then in I went. Splosh!

And, well, nothing prepares you for that moment. Most astonishing is that it’s all laid out for you just below the surface: the full spectrum of colours; the myriad corals and teeming shoals; the parrotfish crunching away, the giant clams that slam shut when you flick water at them. I was entranced. Then suddenly, there it was: midwater, at eye level. A piece of military hardware, ready to do me harm. (Or, as it turned out, a harmless reef shark, ready to cause no bother whatsoever.) I turned in wordless panic, splashing frantically back to the boat. To this day, I have never swum faster. But I’d still go back in a heartbeat.

Trailfinders offers a 17-night Queensland Highlights itinerary from £3,065 (based on two people sharing) including accommodation, car hire and activities, but excluding international flights.

7. The South West Coast Path, Cornwall

“I was broken, but free”

By Sarah Baxter

The South West Coast Path, Cornwall
Baxter walked 210 miles of the National Trail's Cornish section - Sarah Baxter

What an idiot. Day one on the South West Coast Path and it was clear I’d misjudged the challenge afoot. The plan was to walk 210 miles of the National Trail’s Cornish section, starting with the 17 miles from Bude to Boscastle. But I’d never done a carry-all-your-stuff hike before. Nor did I realise (being from Norfolk) the English coast could be so hilly. When I FINALLY limped into Boscastle I was broken. In the Cobweb pub that night, I had to lift my legs with my arms to get from stool to bar. But, even so, I knew it was the start of something special. I’ve never felt so free.

Macs Adventure offers a range of self-guided South West Coast Path packages, all including B&B accommodation, baggage transfers and detailed maps. 

8. The Altiplano, Bolivia

“The sky was a cosmic dome. Time stopped”

By Chris Moss

The Altiplano, Bolivia
Chris Moss pictured in Bolivia, 1982 - Chris Moss

I’ve had perhaps a dozen truly mind-expanding travel experiences (out of hundreds of trips) but my first overland journey to Bolivia in 1992 remains a watershed. I began in Buenos Aires, my home at the time, taking trains and buses through Paraguay and Brazil into the subtropics, through wetlands and jungles, Pampas and Chaco. Each town, every kind of topography, every meal, hotel, every person I met was illuminating. The greatest high came, appropriately, when I travelled by truck on to the Altiplano.

It was slow going, zigzagging up through the Andes, passing Cochabamba and a tiny hamlet called Siberia where posters of Che Guevara hung on the walls of the solitary cafe. The high plain itself came into view at dawn. Flat, of uncertain hue, stretching to all horizons, it was ringed by distant pink and blue volcanoes. The sky was a cosmic dome. Time stopped. At 12,000 feet I knew both meanings of breathless. I learned things on that journey: go slow; stay close to the earth; don’t over-plan. My wanderlust and yearning for wonder were sated, at least until La Paz where, in a bar one evening I began to wonder: where next?

The two-week Highlights of Bolivia itinerary by Exodus Adventure Travels includes several days in the Altiplano and costs from £3,849pp (flights extra). 

9. The Galapagos

“As soon as I dived in there were seals nipping at my flippers”

By Heidi Fuller-Love

The Galapagos
'They have no fear of people here,' a marine biologist told Fuller-Love of the local seals - Michael S. Nolan

I leapt into murky green waters near San Cristobal, largest of the Galapagos Islands, hoping to meet some of the archipelago’s endemic Galapagos sea lions. “They have no fear of people here,” said the marine biologist aboard Yacht La Pinta.

He was right. As soon as I dived in there were torpedo-sleek seals everywhere – nipping at my flippers or playing dodge and dive beneath me as I swam. It was so magical to play with these gentle, joyful creatures in their own environment that I stayed until I was blue with cold, enjoying a moment of communion with the natural world that is sadly far too rare.

Metropolitan Touring offers small-ship cruises to the Galapagos from £3,567pp.

10. Lake Van, Turkey

“Shadows slipped into the cracks of ruined churches and mosques”

By Terry Richardson

Lake Van, Turkey
The sunset over this imposing lake stunned our writer - Getty

You can’t beat a good sunset, and I’ve witnessed many from vantage points across the world. The most ethereally beautiful of all, though, is from the heights of an ancient fortress rising imperiously above Lake Van in Eastern Turkey. Sitting 5,640 feet above sea level and seven times larger than Lake Geneva, the azure waters of the lake, far saltier than the Dead Sea, turned a fabulous deep blue as the sun sinks over the mountains ringing its shores. Shadows slipped into the cracks of the ruined churches and mosques beneath the Rock of Van, the limestone crag upon which a fortress sits. Unforgettable.

Steppes Travel’s 11-day “Eastern Turkey” tour, including a couple of days in Lake Van, costs from £3,050pp (flights extra). 

11. Dakhla Oasis, Egypt

“We drove for seven hours towards a vast blank space on the map”

By Issy Von Simson

Dakhla Oasis, Egypt
The sand-dune surrounded oasis boasts 'pristine Roman relics and Pharaonic temples' - Getty

Egypt’s Dakhla Oasis remains seared in my mind. It’s a seven-hour, bone-shaking drive from Luxor towards the Western Desert, a vast blank space on the map. The journey is part of the magic, delivering a visceral understanding of the remoteness of the place. The sand dunes shape-shift on either side of the barely-there road, on and on. And then, as often happens in the sun-baked wilderness, an oasis appears, one of pristine Roman relics and Pharaonic temples, apricot-coloured cliffs, camels trekking along the horizon. And a mirage too, the divine eco lodge, Al Tarfa. It is an out-there adventure but with a deeply comfortable bed to crash in.

Rooms at the Al Tarfa lodge start at £37 per night. 

12. Sri Lanka

“I felt a rush of total joy”

By Mark C. O’Flaharty

Sri Lanka
Bat enthusiast O'Flaharty was thrilled when Indian flying foxes circled overhead - Alamy

I am generally anti-excursion at resorts, but was persuaded that the sunset “experience” on a “floating lounge” at the Amanwella hotel in Sri Lanka was worth it. The kingfishers and pelicans were lovely, but until the last 20 minutes it all seemed like a fairly standard boat trip. Then, as we neared a group of trees, I wondered what kind of birds were lining the branches in their thousands.

When one flew close to the boat, I realised they were Indian flying foxes – huge, beautiful bats. They careered at all angles from trees to sky, an immense cloud of winged mammals, the sun beaming through their outstretched wings. I follow numerous bat sanctuary accounts on Instagram and every pair of pointy eyes and cute black eyes improves my day. This though, was a real life, unique, overwhelming, rush of total joy.

Rooms at the Amanwella cost from £669 per night. Packages can be booked via Scott Dunn

13. Jerusalem

“I woke at dawn to hear a haunting sound”

By Mary Lussiana

At 16, Lussiana first heard the sound of the muezzin calling the faithful to prayer – it was the moment she fell in love with travel - Atlantide Phototravel

I was 16 the first time I travelled outside Europe. Arriving into the noise and heat of a July night in Tel Aviv was exciting enough, but I was soon whisked away to Jerusalem and my bed for the night. Hours later, I woke at dawn to hear the haunting sound of the muezzin calling the faithful to prayer. I wasn’t sure it was that, having never heard it before, but as I sat up in my bed in the dark and listened, almost without breathing, to the words winding through the early warm air I fell in love with travel and the world outside my four walls forever.

The FCDO currently advises against trips to Israel

14. The Namib Desert

“The dunes disappeared, and we dived into a vast canyon”

By Lottie Gross

The Namib Desert
On a pulse-racing flight above the desert, Gross zoomed past zebra and antelope - Getty

It’s hard to forget the feeling you get when you’re about to die. I didn’t die, of course, but I certainly thought I might as our tiny six-seater aircraft got closer and closer to the orange sands of the Namib Desert. I was about to scream at the pilot when the dunes below suddenly disappeared and we dived into a vast canyon.

We swooped downward and then back up and out the other side, dashed past herds of zebra and antelope galloping across the sand, before the pilot steered us towards the coast, where the desert meets the sea, and deposited us safely on hard ground. The sense of relief was strong, but wonder and awe even stronger, and it stays with me to this day.

Sossusvlei Lodge (full-board room from around £105) can arrange sightseeing flights of the Namib. 

15. The Grand Canyon, US

“For once the American hyperbole was right”

By Sally Howard

The Grand Canyon: worth the hype
The Grand Canyon: worth the hype - Getty

Of the five million tourists who visit the Grand Canyon National Park every year, 95 per cent do it the bucket-list way: zipping over in a helicopter from Las Vegas or driving to Grand Canyon Village and peeking over the South Rim. A few years ago, I chose to tough it out with a five-day trek into the depths of the red and ochre rocklands of this natural wonder: departing from the lesser-visited New Hance trailhead and following an old Arizonan miners’ route, on a barely etched path past abandoned campsites littered with ancient tin cans.

The reward was getting up close to this scaled-up US landscape: padding through otherworldly landscapes of barrel organ cacti and three-metre agave; swimming wild in the Colorado River; sleeping out beneath an ink-spill sky punched with stars. I lost two toenails from the strenuous downhill trek, but it was worth it. “Totally awesome!” as my chipper young tour guide put it. And for once the American hyperbole was right.

Wildland Trekking offers a number of Grand Canyon treks of which New Hance is the most strenuous. It costs £183 including all meals.

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