Gorgeous Cat Insists on Helping Dad Mow the Lawn Like It's His Job

One thing any cat owner can tell you is that a cat picks its person, and that's that. Cats may love a lot of people and seek affection and care from all the members of a household, but they usually have a person who is their absolute favorite.

In a video posted from the end of September, you can see this in action with a cat who demands to be included in his favorite person's lawn care chore.

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The video, posted by TikTok user @Bearniebeankitty, explains that their gorgeous rescue cat Bearnie meowed until dad picked him up to give him a ride on his shoulder while mowing the lawn!

TikTok users are loving this affectionate and helpful cat, and @Susie comments, "Absolutely precious! Your kitty definitely has a great personality!" @Katie has a great suggestion with "You need to get him a cat sling so his daddy can hold him hand free while doing thing around the house." @Yes adds, "I got mine one of those clear bubble backpacks. It’s the best." Another person has a cat with a similar personality and comments, "My boy does this!!! Same, over the shoulder. My husband loves it more." @Sayhi has a sweet theory with, "Maybe it’s the vibrations from the lawn mower. He thinks dad is purring." Awwww!

All we know is that mowing the lawn would be a lot more enjoyable with an adorable assistant like this! Maybe dad should try doing other household chores to see if the cat will sit on his shoulder while washing dishes or folding laundry?

You know, just for an experiment to see what the cat does, LOL!

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