Woman Uses Baby Swaddle To Carry Clingy Cat and His Reaction Is Perfect

Cats, just like dogs, have their own personalities, and while many cats are independent, they also seek attention and affection from their owners.

And then there are a few kitties that are straight-up clingy, such as Chase, whose owner Fifi took to TikTok and posted a video on August 30 about how clingy Chase really is and what she did to fix it. Let's see for ourselves!

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Aw, he thinks he's a baby, too!

Pregnancy often brings about changes in the owner's routine, such as increased fatigue or less time available for play and attention. Cats are creatures of habit and may react to these changes by seeking more attention or reassurance.

That being said, cats are known to be sensitive to changes in their environment, including changes in their owner's body chemistry or scent during pregnancy. Some cats may react to hormonal changes in pregnant individuals, so it's possible that certain scents or pheromones associated with pregnancy can influence a cat's behavior.

They may react to these changes by becoming more affectionate or clingy, just like Chase here.

Using a baby swaddle to carry a clingy cat can be a creative solution if your cat enjoys being close to you and you want to keep your hands free.

Judging by Chase's relaxed body language, he seems to like it very much.

In addition, pregnancy also often causes a slightly higher body temperature, which may attract cats seeking warmth and comfort.

This would make sense why Chase would want to be close to Fifi.

Additionally, some cats may even exhibit more protective behavior when they sense their owner is pregnant. They may become more vigilant or stay closer to their owner, possibly as a way to protect them.

With the swaddle around Fifi, Chase can protect both mom and baby while being close to her.

It's a win-win.

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