Golf Engineer Creates Custom Hand-Made Bike Frame For Friend To Race

Even though there are seemingly a million options out there for mountain bikes, some people are not satisfied with the selection and take it upon themselves to make their own bikes.

Watch engineer Jack Harle explain in depth the bike he designed and built for his racer friend Owen Davis.

Jack’s bike is a work of art. Though this one is not painted like his own ride, the welds and tubing look lovely. As you saw, it certainly likes to go fast on the trail.

Owen and Jack are riders and racers from California. Jack first made a bike frame when he was unsatisfied with the current options. After one failed trial frame, he continued to hone his craft. With help from a welder friend, Eric, the latest editions look great.

Owen has big plans for this bike. This summer, he plans to take it to the North American Enduro Cup, Psychosis Downhill, and Crankworx. Owen is a very fast and raced rounds of the Enduro Word Cup in 2023.

Related: This Rider Is Racing World Cups On A Frame He Designed

It is really cool that people are trying this hard to get the exact bike that they want by doing it themselves. It is definitely a labor of love.

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