Golden Retriever’s Obsession With the Christmas Tree Captures the Holiday Spirit

While many cats are usually obsessed with Christmas trees because, as we know, cats are curious animals, some dogs are also taken by the beauty and shimmering lights of a Christmas tree.

The owner of Ollie the Golden Retriever has such a dog who loves their Christmas tree that he sits very close to it, which they captured in a video posted on December 5, and it's the cutest! Let's check it out!

Look at him nose-booping the tree!

Related: Golden Retriever Has Beautiful Reunion With Her Sister Before Crossing the Rainbow Bridge

It's almost as if Ollie was guarding the tree to make sure nothing happened to it.

Why Are Some Dogs Obsessed With Things Such as Christmas Trees?

Dogs can become obsessed with things like Christmas trees for various reasons, and their behavior is often influenced by a combination of natural instincts, curiosity, and environmental stimuli.

However, every dog is different.

Curiosity and Sensory Stimulation

Dogs are naturally curious animals. The Christmas tree, with its unique smells, textures, and decorations, can be particularly interesting to a dog, and they may want to explore and investigate this new and visually stimulating addition to their environment.

Christmas trees often come with a variety of sensory stimuli, such as twinkling lights, shiny ornaments, and the scent of pine. Since dogs rely heavily on their senses, these elements can be enticing and engaging for them.

Maybe Ollie is obsessed with the pine scent?

Playfulness and Instinctive Behaviors

Some dogs may view the ornaments, lights, and branches as potential toys. As we know, Golden Retrievers are naturally playful, and they might be motivated by a desire to play with or interact with the various objects on the tree.

Plus, dogs also have natural instincts that drive them to explore their environment. In other words, they have a natural inclination to investigate scents, objects, and items that capture their interest.

Words of Wisdom

It's important for dog owners to understand and manage their pets' behavior around Christmas trees to ensure the safety of both the dogs and the holiday decorations.

Providing appropriate outlets for play, supervising interactions with the tree, and using pet-safe decorations are ways to strike a balance between allowing dogs to be curious and ensuring a safe environment.

Additionally, positive reinforcement and redirecting unwanted behaviors can help shape a dog's behavior in a positive direction.

We think the oraments will be safe with Ollie watching them.

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