'Golden Bachelor' Contestant Makes Major Sacrifice to Be on the Show

This week's The Golden Bachelor featured a reveal that would send a bridezilla into a tailspin: Contestant Sandra missed her own daughter’s wedding to be on the show.

At the afterparty, Gerry, 72, took Sandra aside to discuss why she would miss her daughter's big day.

Sandra told Gerry that her daughter had given her her blessing. "This is something my daughter and I discussed early on," Sandra said. "She said, 'Mom, I've got my guy, I want you to go get yours.'"

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Gary said he felt "very flattered" but that it was a big event that she had missed. "I thought it would be a great idea for you to call your daughter. What do you think?" he asked.

She replied, "I think you're the best."

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After a bit of age-appropriate struggling to figure out which buttons to push, Gerry and Sandra FaceTimed with her daughter.

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"That was so sweet of him," Sandra said later. "He's always full of sweet surprises and he's so thoughtful. This man is something different."

Gerry was so sorry Sandra had missed her daughter’s wedding that he gave her the group date rose. Some might say she caught the ultimate bouquet.

Next, Who Went Home in Week 4 of 'The Golden Bachelor'