Glaciers to Tankers: The Weirdest Waves Ever Surfed (Video)

A novelty wave, for some surfers, is like a mythical creature. They hunt for them, just like those eccentric cryptid enthusiasts on late-night National Geographic shows, searching for bigfoot, aliens, and the chupacabra. But novelty wave surfers actually find ‘em.

Few members in this niche realm of surfing are as successful as Ben Gravy.

The New Jersey native has dedicated his life and career to the pursuit of strange, untraditional surf spots. And over the years – with great effort and commitment to his craft – Gravy has scored some of the weirdest, most novelty waves on earth. From river waves, to glacier waves, to tanker waves, to freezing Great Lakes waves…the list goes on.

Related: Surfing Glacier-Made “Tsunami Waves” (Video)

But now, Gravy’s search for the strange is on pause. He’s sidelined due to an injury; he ripped a tendon on his arm while threading a tube. Obviously, it’s not ideal for someone who’s livelihood requires two working arms. But it’s also a chance to look back.

And so, Gravy’s latest vlog isn’t a new score. It’s a throwback, a greatest hits.

“The most wild & weird novelty waves in history (glacier surfing, tanker waves & more!)” Gravy wrote. “7 weeks into my bicep recovery I've been taking some deep dives into my novelty wave exploits. It's been a dream come true going Glacier Surfing in Alaska, Tanker surfing in Texas & North Carolina and more waves along the way! Thanks for all the stoke & support for my life & dreams! FOR THE DREAM!!!”

Heal up soon, Ben. Keep hunting that great white whale.


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