Watch: Surgery Dry Docks Injured Surfer Ben Gravy for 3 Months

Novelty wave connoisseur Ben Gravy has been through a lot.

The dude has faced alcoholism, got sober, got married, underwent surgery for a broken collar bone over a year ago, and works at maintaining that sobriety.

Meanwhile, he chases weird waves all over the world and seems to have a helluva lot of fun doing it. But now, Gravy's out of the game for around three months due to an injury, as he reveals in the video below.

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Gravy captioned the video above:

"Terrible news here for the VLOG & the over all dream for the current time being. I managed to injure my distal bicep tendon with a complete tear & now I need to get surgery.

"Thanks to everyone who supports everything that I do, I appreciate you more than you could ever know. Hopefully I can battle through this rehab and come out stronger on the other side. FOR THE DREAM!!! - Ben"

Opening the vlog, Gravy says to the camera:

"Good morning Nub Nation. There's no great way to start. But, I'm kinda at a loss for words right now. I had a terrible week. Tomorrow morning, eight o'clock, I'm gonna be going in for surgery for an injury that'll take me out of the game for almost three months."

The injury? Gravy explains that 10 days ago, he was trying to get barreled and tried to stall by sticking his hand in the wave.

The result? A detached bicep muscle and a tendon "ripped" off his bone.

No word on how good the barrel was.

Hit play for details.

Get well soon, Ben.


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