German Shepherd Puppy's Head Tilts Are Melting Hearts Left and Right

The cool thing about being a person is that everyone you meet is a little bit different. We all have our likes, dislikes, and favorite things, but there are also some opinions that are nearly universal. For example, just about everyone agrees that puppies are cute! But if you're an animal lover like me, you know 'cute' doesn't even begin to describe it.

It doesn't even matter what the perfect word is, though, when a dog is as precious as Snooki the German Shepherd puppy. Her long and fluffy fur has viewers melting instantly, but when she tilts her head her fans go totally speechless. Myself included! Thankfully, her owner is just immune enough to her cuteness that she was able to take a video for TikTok on December 7. Now all of TikTok is falling under her spell!

Aww! Literally everything about this 10-second clip is perfect. How is this sweet little girl not going viral yet? This German Shepherd puppy is as cute as can be, and I have no shame admitting just how many times I've watched this video: at least a dozen times. With other viewers doing the very same thing, she'll be TikTok's next star in no time!

Related: Why Do Dogs Tilt Their Heads? The Answer Is Too Cute

In my opinion, it's this German Shepherd's long coat that gives her that extra flair of raggedy cuteness. She always has just a little bit of bedhead, but she's so cute that she can pull it off. Then again, I have a feeling she can pull anything off! She's already rocking jumbo-sized ears and a neon dog collar, though she'll grow beautifully into both.

Why Do Dogs Tilt Their Heads?

Besides Snooki's huge ears and teddy bear-like appearance, her head tilts stole all the attention. And why wouldn't they? Every dog owner's heart melts when a pup tits their head, but not many people actually know why they do it.

Dogs' ears differ from human ears in a few ways. While canines can hear a lot better than people can, they are more limited when it comes to detecting a sound's direction. This is why you'll see dogs' ears perk up or even rotate when listening to a sound far away. As you may have guessed, another way that canines detect a sound's direction is by tilting their heads!

When a dog tilts their head when listening to someone talk directly to them, though, they may be trying to show that they're listening and engaged. They may do this when paying extra close attention to their owner, as @snookithegsd did in this video, or when listening to another dog's barking. No matter why they tilt their head though, there's no question how cute it is!