Gabriel Wibmer Demonstrates The New Gold Standard In Trust Exercises

Trust is the foundation of any good relationship and what better way to test that trust than having your partner throw an incredibly precise and consequential trick over you?

Take a look at Gabriel Wibmer one-upping the trust fall in the clip below.

Gabriel has certainly taken a page out of his cousin Fabio's book and knows a thing or two about how to go viral with his mountain bike. The Austrian has put his own spin on Fabio's very distinct style of video making and though the two are quite similar, they each find a niche.

Gabriel's claim to fame last season came in the form of an actually quite impressive edit featuring him riding some properly huge bike park features on a gravel bike. Anyone who has ever jumped on drop bars can probably imagine how seemingly impossible it would be to hit 40 foot booters on one.

Anyway, you can see that edit right here. It's worth a watch, to say the least.

Related: Must Watch: Gabriel Wibmer Blows Minds In 'Gravel Mania'

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