Following safety protocols important for outdoor work this summer

May 16—As summer approaches, many people will start utilizing their outdoor power equipment, but without proper safety knowledge, a simple project can turn life-threatening.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported roughly 36,000 people are treated in hospital emergency departments for injuries from using chainsaws each year. St. Joseph residents can avoid such injuries by following a few safety tips, such as only starting a chainsaw while it rests on the ground and wearing protective gear.

Good maintenance of power tools can also help prevent injury. Users should review the manufacturer's manual, regularly sharpen chains and top off the bar oil before each use of power tools.

While operating outside power equipment, users should check for possible hazards near the work sight, such as flammable materials or debris that could be ignited by sparks. Checking that workspaces are a safe distance away from others ensures the user's safety as well as those around them.

When in doubt, it is best to have a trained professional power tool operator when removing tree limbs or maintaining yard work.