Facts about cicadas: How long do cicadas stay around?

Cicadas are the talk of the town in many states in the country.

Here's a closer look at the life cycle of cicadas, some of their attributes and answers to common questions.

Do cicadas come out every year?

Yes and no. Annual cicadas appear every summer, across the country, from June into September, reports USA TODAY. Periodical cicadas in the spring, but only once every 13 or 17 years, depending on the brood — there are many. In some years, no periodical cicadas emerge. This year, two particular broods of periodical cicadas will line up and emerge at roughly the same time — a rare occurrence unseen since 1803. Periodical cicadas are native to the eastern and Midwestern United States. Both of those groups will appear in Illinois.

More: Why Illinois will be the cicada capital of the United States in 2024

Where do cicadas come from?

All cicadas emerge from the ground, where as nymphs they feed on juices from the roots of perennial plants, according to Britannica.com.

How long do cicadas live?

Once cicadas have mated and the females have laid their eggs, they don't live long, according to USA TODAY. The insects will die after spending only five weeks above ground, says National Geographic. Adult periodical cicadas live for just three to four weeks, reports the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History.

How deep do cicadas burrow?

After cicada eggs hatch on trees and shrubs, the nymphs crawl or drop to the ground. Over time, they burrow as much as eight feet into the soil to feed and await their emergence as adults. Periodical cicada nymphs generally live within two feet of the surface.

More facts about cicadas: Should homeowners and gardeners be worried about the cicada emergence?

Are cicadas blind?

They are not blind, though they are apparently bumbling. Cicadiamania.com reports they are slow moving and easily captured.

Where do cicadas lay their eggs?

All cicada species generally lay their eggs in woody plant tissues, according to Britannica.com. Female cicadas, if numerous enough, can damage young saplings while carving out a spot to deposit eggs.

Why are cicadas so loud?

One theory is that the sound may deter predators, says Britannica.com. The males' songs also establish their territory and attract females. Cicadas have been called the world's loudest insect.

What do cicadas sound like?

The song of the male cicada is commonly described as a loud buzzing sound. They also seem to scream and howl.

Cicadas 2024: What animals eat cicadas?

This article originally appeared on Journal Star: Cicada facts: How long do cicadas live?