What animals eat cicadas?

Periodical cicadas are picky eaters, but many other creatures gladly gobble them up. Here's what to know about the "movable feast" arriving this month.

Over a trillion of the loud, buzzing insects will emerge from the ground, from the Midwest to the Southeast. After more than a decade underground, the emergent adults are more interested in breeding than in feeding. And they are particular about their food, only drinking sap from plants with woody stems and branches, the same places they lay their eggs.

On the other hand, the newly arrived, red-eyed adults provide a six-legged banquet for other creatures.

What eats cicadas?

When periodical cicadas emerge, they’re consumed by just about anything that eats insects. Mammals and birds, amphibians and reptiles, and fish all eat cicadas — and benefit from the glut of them.

What do cicadas eat?: Trillions of cicadas to emerge in the United States. What do they eat above ground?

Can dogs eat cicadas?

Pet owners know dogs can, and will, eat cicadas. The question is, how much cicada consumption is safe?

ScientificAmerican.com says your dog may be tempted by the sudden abundance of so-called "land shrimp." And as with any dog, your pet may overfeed, which could result in temporary vomiting and diarrhea.

Cicadas 2024: Should homeowners and gardeners be worried about the cicada emergence?

Do chickens eat cicadas?

Yes, and eagerly, reports the University of Maryland Extension. "If you have free-range chickens, they will happily scratch up the cicadas and eat them. The cicadas aren’t poisonous."

Cicadas 2024?: Trillions of cicadas set to emerge in U.S. When do the cicadas come out in Illinois?

Who eats cicadas?

Historically, Native Americans included them in their diet, says the University of Illinois Extension. The extension added some harvesting and eating tips for humans, but said people with shellfish allergies should avoid eating cicadas.

The National Wildlife Federation notes that humans who have sampled cicadas often say they taste like canned asparagus. Other reports say they taste like almonds or seafood. Many cicada recipes can be found online.

More: Why Illinois will be the cicada capital of the United States in 2024

What purpose do cicadas serve?

Cicada nymphs aerate the soil. The emergent adults prune mature trees and provide an abundant source of food for wildlife. After they die, cicadas' bodies provide a source of nitrogen for growing trees. CicadaMania.com breaks down the bugs' many benefits.

This article originally appeared on Journal Star: What eats cicadas?