EVERYDAY HEROES: First local female CDL driver shows off skills

May 22—The first female Commercial Driver's License holder for Cherokee County has showed off her skills and determination with the county for the past six months.

"I love it. It's one of my, I guess you could say, first big jobs I've ever had," said organ McMillan, a Class A CDL driver for District 1. "There's always something new every day. I have a really good crew I work with and they're all super-supportive."

Morgan McMillan has been employed by the county for six months, but has only been driving a truck for the last seven.

McMillan said she didn't originally see herself on this career path, but she grew up around farm life and running equipment was a large part of the livelihood. She said her stepfather, Allen Campbell, helped boost her confidence and inspired her to enjoy working with heavy machinery and trucks.

Most drivers in Cherokee County are Class B, while McMillan is a Class A driver, as well as a certified heavy equipment operator. Her certifications allows McMillan to be one of the few who can run all of the county barn's equipment.

"I pretty much jumped in head first. If you're going to drive a truck, why not get your Class A so you can drive anything?" McMillan said.

Working in the male-dominated field has not been a detriment for McMillan. It does surprise her how many people do a double-take once they notice a woman CDL driver. She has never dealt with disapproval, just the occasional second glance.

"I really don't think it's that much different," McMillan said. "I grew up with all brothers in an all-guy household — plus my mom, obviously — but it's not really a shock to me. It probably was for [my co-workers], but they've all been helpful and accepted me."

McMillan, at 21, is one of the younger workers in her position. She said she not only uses the skills her stepdad taught her, but also tries to remain teachable and ask as many questions as possible. She said the ability to pay attention, as well as have patience and confidence, are traits a driver must have.

McMillan appreciates the support she's received from Allen Campbell, but also her boss, District 1 Commissioner Bobby "Cub" Whitewater, for giving her a chance at the job. Before landing the position, she was turned away by several prospective places of employment.

"I applied to other places,... and they didn't want me, which is fine. I get it. Part of it was just being a female working with males, but Cub really gave me a shot and I appreciate it," McMillan said.

McMillan said women who want to earn a CDL license or work in a similar field should keep pushing themselves to reach their goals.

"Anybody can do it if they really want to," McMillan said. "Just keep trying."