Here’s a Complete Guide To Growing Garlic in Your Garden

Here’s a Complete Guide To Growing Garlic in Your Garden

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If there's one thing pro and amateur cooks alike can agree on, it's the irreplaceable presence of garlic in any kitchen. In the words of Ree Drummond, who uses it in her cooking endeavors all the time, "The flavor is… well, there's nothing like it on earth."

Whether you like to grind it up with herbs in a jar of homemade pesto or let it shine in a simple salad dressing, there's an abundance of reasons to grow this key kitchen ingredient at home. While some produce, like juicy summer tomatoes, require lots of care, garlic practically grows itself! Just plant it in the fall and you'll be greeted with a summer harvest the next year. Plus, not only do burrowing rodents lack a hankering for the perennial, but garlic also doesn't call for constant watering or feedings.

As for the types of garlic you can grow, there are two main varieties: softneck, which keeps for many months and features a flexible stem, and hardneck, which has a stiff stem. Softnecks, which grow well in warm climates, are the best choice for Southern gardeners, while hardnecks are more common with Northern gardeners, as they're cold hardy for bleaker winters.

The fragrant fun doesn't end (or rather start) with its peak summer harvest! In late spring to early summer, you can harvest the scape—or the long curling stem—of hardneck garlic. Not only does removing it allow the garlic to produce a larger bulb, but scape adds a mild garlicky kick to so many recipes, including pasta dishes, stir fry, and even frittatas.

A few more smart tips to remember are to order high-quality seed garlic online early in the season for best results and avoid planting grocery-store garlic as it may be treated so it won't sprout. You should also plant garlic about a month before the ground freezes in your region. Here's everything else you need to know about how to grow garlic.

how to grow garlic
Yulia Naumenko - Getty Images

Can I grow garlic from a clove?

Though many vegetables are grown from seeds or plants, you can actually grow a new bulb of garlic from a clove you already have. It's like magic! When you're ready to plant, separate the cloves from the head of garlic, but leave the papery covering on them intact. Dig holes about two inches deep and six inches apart, then place a clove in each hole, pointy-side up. Cover it with soil then pat it down. Shoots may emerge in fall, but don't worry about them (they're just testing the waters). Next spring, they'll pop up again, and you can feed them with a balanced fertilizer, if you like. Alternatively, you can cut off any flower shoots that emerge come spring, as they may decrease bulb size. Then, just watch your plants grow! Note: Each clove can grow into a new bulb of garlic, so just one bulb can produce a sizable harvest.

Is garlic easy to grow?

Garlic isn't just an easy veggie to grow, it's one of the easiest! There's just a few basic requirements you'll have to meet: adequate soil, the right amount of moisture, and, of course, planting and harvesting at the ideal time. As mentioned, most varieties of garlic are best planted in late fall or early winter about four to six weeks before the ground freezes. This is because the cloves need a period of cold weather to develop into bulbs.

As for where you should plant garlic, note that it should be planted in fertile, well-drained soil in an area that gets full sun. Do not plant garlic in areas where water can collect around the roots, as this can cause them to rot or become diseased. You also should not try to plant garlic in shade; it needs six or more hours per day of direct sunlight. Because this crop takes a long time to mature and you won't harvest until next summer, plant it somewhere that it won't be disturbed, such as the edge of the garden. Unlike some veggies, such as peppers, that don't mind being planted in pots, garlic isn't a huge fan of growing in large containers and won't get very big. It does best when planted in garden beds.

Garlic needs all the nutrients it can get, so it's important to fertilize it in early spring and just before the bulbs begin to swell before summer with pelleted chicken manure or synthetic pelleted fertilizer. While garlic is admittedly easy to maintain, you should ensure that it's hydrated without flooding the roots by watering every three to five days during bulbing, from mid-May to June.

fresh garlic scapes in a garden
francois dion - Getty Images

When should I harvest my garlic?

If you plant a hardneck garlic variety, the curling scapes will appear in early summer. Cut them off above the top leaf and enjoy! Don’t leave them on the plant because they’ll put energy into flowering instead of creating a nice, big bulb.

Harvest the garlic bulbs when the foliage begins to turn yellow and fall over. Peak harvest time for fall plantings can range from late June to August. Use a hand trowel to lift up underneath the bulb, and shake off the dirt. Use a rubber band or bit of string to tie them together, then hang the bundle upside down to cure for a few weeks in a dry place out of direct sunlight. This helps it store for a longer period of time. Once they bulbs and stems look and feel very dry and papery, cut back the stems so they're an inch long. Alternately, for softneck types, you can braid the stems while still green and hang to dry. This is an attractive and practical storage technique that looks fabulous in your kitchen!

How should I store my garlic?

Never store garlic in the fridge because the cold stimulates it to sprout, shortening its lifespan. Instead, store the bulbs hanging or in a mesh bag in a cool, dry place like the pantry. You can also grab a handy garlic keeper that's made to preserve your garlic by limiting air, moisture, and light exposure. If you accidentally nicked any bulbs when digging, use those right away because they won't last long. You also can save a few of the largest bulbs for next year's garden, if you can bear not to eat them, that is!

Softneck Garlic

<p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Shop Now;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">Shop Now</a></p><p>Softneck Garlic</p><p></p><p>$9.29</p>

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Softneck Garlic


German Extra Hardy Seed Garlic

<p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Shop Now;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">Shop Now</a></p><p>German Extra Hardy Seed Garlic</p><p>$24.95</p><span class="copyright">Johnny's Selected Seeds</span>

German Extra Hardy Garlic

<p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Shop Now;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">Shop Now</a></p><p>German Extra Hardy Garlic</p><p></p><p>$14.95</p>

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German Extra Hardy Garlic


Chesnok Red Seed Garlic

<p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Shop Now;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">Shop Now</a></p><p>Chesnok Red Seed Garlic</p><p></p><p>$24.95</p><span class="copyright">Johnny's Selected Seed</span>

Seed Garlic Sampler

<p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Shop Now;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">Shop Now</a></p><p>Seed Garlic Sampler</p><p></p><p>$28.00</p><span class="copyright">Etsy</span>

Chesnok Red Garlic

<p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Shop Now;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">Shop Now</a></p><p>Chesnok Red Garlic</p><p></p><p>$6.41</p>

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Chesnok Red Garlic


Romanian Red Seed Garlic

<p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Shop Now;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">Shop Now</a></p><p>Romanian Red Seed Garlic</p><p></p><p>$16.95</p>

Siberian Hardneck Garlic

<p><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Shop Now;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">Shop Now</a></p><p>Siberian Hardneck Garlic</p><p></p><p>$10.99</p>

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Siberian Hardneck Garlic


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