Dylan Siggers Shreds Kamloops in "Kids Line"

Kamloops is a city in British Columbia’s interior about four hours northwest of Vancouver that is home to a vibrant riding scene.

Watch Dylan Siggers and Marcel Hunt shred various Kamloops spots in “Kids Line” below.

In this video, the Forbidden athletes took on iconic Kamloops riding like the Bike Ranch and the famous dirt chutes.

Kamloops holds a special place in the heart of many mountain bikers. The nearby hills was one of the places that early freeriders began taking their bikes down hillsides. Read about Brett Tippie’s homage to that era below.

Related: Mountain Bike Legend Reminisces On The Early Days Of Freeride

Dylan Siggers and Marcel Hunt are freeriders who ride for Forbidden Bikes.

Related: Dylan Siggers Has Become Forbidden's One Stop Shop Athlete For Film And Riding

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