Ducks Descend on Australian Homes in a Scene Out of a Hitchcock Movie

If you've ever seen the Alfred Hitchcock movie, The Birds, chances are it gave you the heebie-jeebies when thousands of birds took over a small town. While this video that ABC News shared on Thursday, March 28th isn't quite at that level of intensity, it's certainly something to see.

The video shows homes that have seemed to be taken over by dozens of ducks in a New South Wales neighborhood in Australia. TikToker @veronicadownunder captured the funny scene and explained what we all wanted to know, why are they all there? "Our local kangaroos and ducks share the same area and like to hang around the houses in the afternoon. In the evening, they all go back in the bush." Make sure your sound is on to get the video's full effect!

That was a lot of ducks I think the best part of the video was the lounging kangaroo...the way he was laying down made me laugh! ABC News commenters also got a kick out of the video, and @Charly S435 agreed with me, "Forget the ducks!!! Tell me about that kangaroo mate!!" @mshrewsberry7 cracked us all up when she quoted from the movie Titanic, "Kangaroo said, “Paint me like one of your French girls", and another commenter added, "Kangaroo ::act caaaasual:: LOL!!!" I also liked @gloriabailey7's comment, "Did Doctor Dolittle move into your neighborhood?!"

Related: Mama Duck Hatches Her Babies in Woman's Planter and It's Cuteness Overload

Fun Facts About Ducks

I've written about bouncing kangaroos at Pet Helpful a lot, but I've never really shared much about ducks. One of the first fun facts that I learned about the quackers is that ducklings start communicating with each other while they are still in their eggs, and all work to hatch at the same time.

This fact from Misfit Animals blew my mind, "Not all ducks quack. Only female ducks quack, while male ducks make other sounds, often referred to as a raspy whistle." What?! Up until this point, I thought that all ducks quacked! And ducks' quacks echo; the sound they make fades in and out, so it's hard to tell the first quack from the echos.

Ducks sleep with one eye opened, just like dolphins can. It may be hard to believe, but this helps them keep an eye out for predators. Ducks have extremely good vision and can see farther than humans can. Interestingly, their eyes can also move independently of each other - they can literally see two different things at once.

When we lived in Indiana, we had a pond in our backyard. As spring got closer and the sun melted away the winter snow, ducks would show up to swim in the ice-filled pond. That's how I learned that ducks don't mind the cold, ice, or snow. This is because they have no nerves or blood vessels in their feet which helps them to prevent heat loss. They actually cannot feel the cold! Who knew that ducks were so fascinating!

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