Mama Duck Hatches Her Babies in Woman's Planter and It's Cuteness Overload

This is the definition of springtime serotonin!

Here's an absolutely adorable story in why can't this ever happen to us news, and it might make some of you rush outside to check your own porch pots. TikTok user @Themostrandomthingever had noticed a duck creating a makeshift nest in one of her planters, and the baby ducklings just hatched.

Watch the precious video because this is way better than the dead mums we have in our planters from last year!

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So, before we can just relax and enjoy this cuteness, total buzzkill @Kat notes, "There's a reason they have so many. Do yourself a favor and don't count them now."  We believe what KillJoy Kat is referring to is that It takes 50-70 days for ducklings to attain flight status, and survival during this period is highly variable, ranging from less than 10 percent to as high as 70 percent. But we choose to ignore this sad circle of life and just enjoy the adorableness.

Viewer @Allisongriffith comments, "I can't even count how many times I'll rewatch this because it's just the cutest thing I've ever seen!" @Jaceyalley asks, Now, how do I order my own plater of ducklings? Can I Amazon Prime them?" LOL, if only! "Excuse me, but where do I buy duckling seeds, I cannot seem to find them in my local garden store, " hilariously adds @Juliepeglegs. @Clarissaisn'texplaining replies, "Oh look! The duck plant has duck berries!"

A few users suggested the creator put them in a swimming pool, but it seems this sweet family has already left. Here's an update video:

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Here's hoping they are off to a safe little pond! Good luck duckies!

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