Dragon’s Dogma 2: Prey for the Pack Guide - Where is Rodge?

Dragon's Dogma 2 Rodge

Prey for the Pack is a time-limited quest you can pick up in Dragon’s Dogma 2’s Checkpoint Rest Town. The local apothecary’s grandson, Rodge, has gone missing and you’re tasked with questioning the townsfolk to see what they know.

The three people you need to question are Timothy, Alsa, and Jacint.

The problem is, once you’ve questioned everyone, you’re only left with clues. He was seen at the cenotaph, he was collecting bright flowers, and you don’t have much more to go on. East, somewhere. That’s all you know.

Luckily for you, we’ve tracked him down so you don’t have to. If you happen to have a Portcrystal on you, place one down in the town before you leave.

Find Rodge and go to his aid

To find Rodge, leave Checkpoint Rest Town and take the road east. When it splits into two easterly roads running parallel, take the one to the left, the northmost road, and keep heading east.

Rodge is being set upon by wolves in the Putrid cave far to the east, as seen on the map below. Hurry to his aid otherwise he’ll be killed.

Here's where you'll find Rodge. <p>Capcom</p>
Here's where you'll find Rodge.


Now, if you were smart and placed a Portcrystal at the Checkpoint Rest Town, you can pick Rodge up with R2 and use a Ferrystone to fast travel back with him. As long as you have hold of him, he’ll be transported with you.

If not, you have to accompany him back on foot.

Once you get him back alive, his grandfather will reward you with 11k gold and two miracle curatives.

If Rodge happens to die, you can revive him with a Wakestone and bring him back for the same reward. If you don’t happen to have a Wakestone, you can carry the body back, drop it on the floor in front of the grandfather, and he’ll pay you 8k gold.