Dog Trainer Lists First 5 Things Pet Parents Should Teach a New Puppy

As a new dog owner, I'm constantly searching for training tips and how-tos to help me teach my puppy how to be obedient and well behaved. It's easier said than done! So when I came across this video that dog trainer Taylor Cezanne shared at the end of April, I knew I had to watch it!

Taylor shared the top 5 things that pet parents should begin teaching their puppy as soon as they bring it order of importance. I have found a ton of videos and it's overwhelming because I don't know where to start. But Taylor simplifies the process and gives step-by-step instructions on how to do it. The video is about 5 minutes long, but if you have a puppy, it's definitely worth the watch.

The first 5 things to teach your puppy are: Food Lure, Yes, Sit, Their Name, and Handling. We adopted a puppy who was a rescue, and she already knew her name and was good with handling. But I started working on food lure and yes as soon as I watched this! People had a lot of questions that they wanted to ask Taylor in the comments section. @Jaden Lewis asked, "Can you replace “yes” with “good girl/boy”?" and Taylor responded, "I’d recommend cutting that done to “good” if you don’t want to use yes!" @Alora asked, "How much time each day should you dedicate to training?" Taylor replied, "Great question! 3x per day about 5-10 mins each. Don't feed meals out of a bowl, train with their kibble instead!" @kalistamsalcido shared, "As a vet tech thank you so much for the last one! So many puppies come in to the vet already scared of nail trims."

Related: Dog Trainer Shares the Very First Thing People Should Teach a Puppy

Tips For Training Your New Puppy

I can't wait to watch more of Taylor's videos! Another dog trainer recommended that you should always immediately start with potty training, which goes hand in hand with crate training. Once your dog has mastered those, you can move on to a some very basic commands.

There are four commands that every puppy should learn: come, sit, down, and stay. With our West Highland Terriers we started with sit, and I was able to quickly teach our new puppy as well. Puppies always want to be near you, so it seems that teaching your dog to come to you would be an easy one and pairs with stay. All dogs should know these commands and they're pretty simple to master rather quickly.

Always use positive reinforcements when training, and never use negative. That means lots of "good boys (or girls!)" and treats. Or as Taylor mentioned, instead of treats you can use their food and train during mealtime. Use a gentle voice and be patient...learning new things takes time!

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