What Does it Mean When Someone Says You Have 'Bedroom Eyes'?

Couple flirting and giving each other bedroom eyes at the beach at sunset

That intense stare across the crowded bar. The coy glance from a cute stranger on the subway. The deep gaze of someone who makes your heart flutter. We've all either given or been on the receiving end of what's known as "bedroom eyes." The media constantly depicts these steamy looks in romantic scenes. But what exactly does this loaded phrase mean? What seducing secrets lie behind bedroom eyes?

As it turns out, there's a whole science and art to crafting an intentionally alluring gaze. And contrary to what the scandalous name suggests, you don't need an actual bedroom to share these intimate stares. Wherever passion strikes, bedroom eyes speak volumes without words. They signal mutual chemistry and a sensual connection worth exploring. And of course, consent and comfort come first when taking things further!

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What Does It Mean if Someone Has 'Bedroom Eyes'?

According to Tiffany Jones, a licensed professional counselor and certified sex therapist, "Bedroom eyes refer to a specific facial expression perceived as sultry or seductive." This look invites intimacy or sexual interest from the recipient.

As Jackie Golob, a sex and spiritual wellness coach explains further, "'Bedroom eyes is being seductive or flirtatious with someone. This could be to the point of wanting to be able to have sex with them or engage in some sort of sexual activity."

So in essence, someone giving you bedroom eyes wants to get physically closer. They’re putting themselves out there as interested in hooking up or having some sort of sensual connection. How that connection manifests depends on the vibe between you, your chemistry, and most crucially—mutual consent every step of the way.

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What Do Bedroom Eyes Look Like?

Golob uses classic Hollywood hotties like Tyson Beckford, Megan Fox and Tyra Banks. as textbook examples of natural bedroom eyes. She says Beckford and his ilk have a “sexy gaze that naturally swoons you in...They just swoon you in naturally and you don’t want to stop looking at the person’s gaze."

Jones details the physical qualities that produce this visually irresistible effect. Bedroom eyes often involve "relaxed facial muscles, dropped eyelids, dilated pupils, and an inviting smile," she notes. When done with intent, locking eyes, softening one's stare, smiling subtly, moving slowly, and amping up sensuality through flirtatious touches can enhance bedroom eye allure tenfold.

"There’s some mysterious alluring feature to them,” Golob adds. Bedroom eyes have an almost hypnotic quality that’s tough to resist. Just a look pulls you into their world instantly.

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What Are Other Names for Bedroom Eyes?

Bedroom eyes go by countless steamy nicknames. Jones lists alternatives like "the lustful stare," "longing eyes" and "come hither eyes." Golob favors the beautifully blunt "sexy eyes" as another accurate descriptor.

No matter what phrase you use, these gazes serve one purpose: conveying mutual sexual chemistry and interest without needing a single word. Whether it’s "bedroom eyes" or "sexy eyes," something in the look simultaneously conveys “I want you” and “you want me too, right?”

Words eventually need to enter the equation to take things further. But that initial non-verbal flirting builds tension, allure and naughty anticipation first.

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How To Give a Guy Bedroom Eyes

Want to drive guys wild with just a glance? Golob recommends four failsafe moves:

"Hold strong eye contact, then slightly close your eyelids, smirk with one side of your mouth, or slightly with both sides of your mouth." Touching your lips lightly or running fingers through your hair amps up the overall sensual vibe.

Golob stresses "bedroom eyes 101" starts with confidence. Connect with and seduce yourself first before beaming out that energy. Pay close attention to signs your potential partner welcomes and returns this fiery gaze. If the heat’s not mutual, better direct your vision elsewhere. Nothing kills a vibe faster than unwelcome bedroom eyes.

But when that chemistry exists? Let your steamy stares build sensual bridges between you. Savor the exhilarating non-verbal flirting in that lingering look and all its promises. Just be sure to secure enthusiastic consent as things get more physically intimate.

Bedroom eyes build sensual tension and connections between interested parties. Now that you know the science behind crafting this coveted gaze, go unleash its allure. Here’s to more sexy eyes lighting up rooms everywhere in 2024!

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