Your Daily HomeScope for May 18, 2024

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


Maybe you recently received a postcard illustrating the garden of a Tuscan villa, or you saw a book of French landscapes at the bookstore. You have a unique ability to collect inspiration from foreign lands today.


You may be contemplating a new color pattern for a room in your house, or perhaps for a new duvet and pillow set. Before going for bold changes, think of the comfort you find in basic colors. Don't let others persuade you to go bold.


It's time to rally the neighbors and brainstorm about neighborhood beautification projects. Whether it's cleaning up a park or planting a new tree, come together with people and make a plan for something great.


You're ready -- it's time for cleaning. Get some good window cleaner that you can rely on, and use newspaper instead of paper towels to avoid excess streaks. Envision the sparkling, clear glass you'll soon be looking through.


There's increased daylight coming through your windows day and night, but the light fixtures in your house leave a little to be desired. Visualize other sources of light in your home and spruce up existing fixtures.

Are you meant to be? Find out with our Love Compatibility Report!


Forego the plan to organize in the house today. Instead, take yourself outdoors to experience the crisp and fresh air. A brisk walk around the neighborhood or to a forest will do your mind and body all the good in the world.


Capture the essence of subtle movement through the air by buying or making your own mobile. If you have family photos lying around, make a photo mobile with little clips and attach anything from photos to postcards.


You've invited an interesting melange of people over for dinner to sample an exotic new recipe you've been excited to try. Pay extra attention to your guests. Sit close to the kitchen so you can deal with any requests and needs.


You have a friend who always admires a little trinket or coffee mug in your home. The next time they come over, consider giving it as a gift. The greatest gifts we receive are those that are desired yet unsolicited.


There are some areas of the house you have complete control of, and others that will never live up to your expectations. The garage falls into the latter category. Make an effort to organize, but also accept the garage for what it is.


All of your neighbors are tinkering around their gardens, yards and driveways. Today is a great day to commune with others. Suggest something you can all do together as a group in the future.


Your housemate has cooked pasta for you today when you had a hankering for an Indian curry. Why not give in a little and relax into others' desires. Go along for the ride as someone else makes the decisions.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.