Crested Butte Skiers Trigger Large Cornice Avalanche

On Tuesday, a crew of skiers triggered a large cornice avalanche at Red Lady Bowl, a backcountry zone outside Crested Butte, Colorado.

Crested Butte Avalanche Center (CBAC) uploaded a video of the slide yesterday and provided a discussion of ongoing dangers in the local snowpack.

After recent snowfall in the Crested Butte area, avalanche risk remains "considerable," which makes sense when you consider that the CBAC had observed 127 avalanches this week as of yesterday.

Currently, the CBAC warns that "You are likely to trigger an avalanche on northerly and easterly aspects. Many triggered avalanches will be large enough to bury or kill you," citing the Red Lady Bowl avalanche as a "glaring example of the touchy conditions you can encounter."

The primary avalanche problem in the area is persistent slabs. This category of avalanche, triggered by hidden persistent weak layers, is incredibly dangerous. notes that persistent slabs "are characterized by difficult to manage and often surprising behavior." In Staying Alive In Avalanche Terrain, avalanche educator Bruce Tremper compared persistent slab avalanches to horror film monsters because they can lurk for days or weeks before striking.

It's an apt, albeit terrifying comparison, a reminder that whatever you do, you absolutely shouldn't screw around if persistent weak layers are present like they are around Crested Butte.

So, as always, know before you go—get trained, have the right gear, and choose your partners wisely before entering the backcountry. Just because it's the early season doesn't mean that avalanche hazards don't exist.

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