Colorado's Keystone Resort Announces Opening Day For New Legacy Changing Chairlift

Keystone Resort just made the announcement that Epic Pass holders in the Denver area have been impatiently waiting for- Bergman Express is opening.

The new lift services more than 550 acres of alpine terrain that was previously accessible only by hiking or snowcat . According to the Instagram post below, it will open for skiers and riders on Saturday, December 30th, 2023:

The Bergman Express tops out at over 12,200 feet with stunning alpine views of the Rocky Mountains.

With hundreds of acres of mellow above tree-line skiing, Keystone sees this terrain as an opportunity for intermediates to expand their horizons, and for experts to score lift-serviced turns on a part of the mountain that was "under-utilized" before the installment of the lift.

The addition of Bergman Express comes with 16 new trails, 13 of which are in Bergman Bowl. The remaining 3 are in the adjacent Erickson Bowl:

Bergman Bowl Trail Names: Jane’s Journey, Miners, Quandary, Ten Mile, Thorne, Ute, Buffalo, Ptarmigan, Red, Torreys, Grays, Wichita, Uneva

Erickson Bowl Trail Names: Tenderfoot, Nuchu, Silverheels

Bergman Express and Bergman Bowl on Keystone's new trail map<p>Keystone Resort</p>
Bergman Express and Bergman Bowl on Keystone's new trail map

Keystone Resort

The new Bergman Express will also benefit skiers looking to earn their turns in one of Keystone's many gate-accessed areas.

According to Keystone's new trail map, there will be multiple gates on either side of the lift to access Independence and Erickson Bowls:

"For those guests still looking to earn their turns and reach more untouched areas of the resort, 1,300+ acres of hike-to terrain will still be available in The Windows, North Bowl, South Bowl and Independence Bowl for expert skiers and riders."

Stay tuned in here at Powder Magazine for all of the Colorado skiing news and entertainment you're looking for. We've got you covered!

Related: Montana Ski Resort Announces Planned Construction Of World's Longest 8-Person Chairlift

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