Montana Ski Resort Announces Planned Construction Of World's Longest 8-Person Chairlift

Yesterday, Big Sky Resort, Montana, announced plans to construct an eight-person replacement for its Six-Shooter chairlift.

The replacement, scheduled for construction this summer, is expected to debut during the start of the 2024-2025 ski season. The lift is an 8-person Doppelmayr D-Line chairlift, which Big Sky calls "state of the art." Once completed, Six Shooter's replacement will be the longest 8-person chairlift in the world.

Among the new lift's perks are a 30% reduction in ride time, heated seats, and weather-proof bubble covers. Sounds cushy. Due to the increased seat size and ride time, the upgraded lift will nearly double Six Shooter's uphill capacity with 2,745 riders per hour.

Six Shooter is located on Lone Mountain's north side, servicing a wide variety of beginner, intermediate, and expert terrain. The new lift's alignment will be nearly identical to its predecessor, preserving the preexisting terrain network.

The announcement of the new lift comes after the opening of Big Sky's upgraded Lone Peak Tram this winter.

Stay tuned as construction gets underway for the new chair next year.

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