Colorado Golden Retriever Signs Parents' Wedding Certificate in Heartfelt Ceremony

Colorado is one of the few states that allow couples to self-unite their marriage, and for couple named Kristy Biro and Eric Gaidis this allowed them to make their special day even more special, by involving their beautiful Golden Retriever mix named Cece.

Just wait until you see how this happy couple included their dog.

The gorgeous video was shared by the TikTok account for @feliciarenaephotography and the description reads, "Did you know your dog can legally sign your marriage license in Colorado?!?Its true. No officiant necessary. This is due to the fact that Colorado allows self-solemnizing marriages, which essentially means that couples can get married without a third-party officiant or witness so couples can technically marry themselves because there’s no required witness signature on the marriage.Leaves the perfect opportunity to include your pup on your big day by having its paw print on your marriage license."

Related: Wedding Couple's 'First Look' with Their Dog Couldn't Be More Precious

Biro told People Magazine, "As for Cece’s role in their nuptials, after running down the aisle toward her mom and dad after they took their places, the pup hung out by the best man during the ceremony.

“We always knew we wanted Cece to be a part of our wedding,” Biro says of the 5-year-old dog. “And now we have our marriage certificate with her paw print to treasure forever.”

I bet so many couples who have fur babies want to get married in Colorado now, and other states where you can do this include Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Ideas For Including Your Dog In Your Wedding Ceremony

In lieu of wedding gifts, especially for couple's who aren't nesting their first home together or who are celebrating a second marriage, you could ask for donations to be made to your local animal shelter or Humane Society in you, your spouse's and your dog's name.

You could have your dog act as ring bearer and include a pouch holding your rings attached to your dog's collar.

You could have the dog walk the bride down the aisle.

You could dress your dog in wedding attire to match your outfits and have the made of honor or the best man hold their leash during the ceremony.

You could also include your dog in your wedding vows by promising not only to love each other, but to love and care for your dog for as long as you live as well.

No matter how you decide to include your fur baby in your ceremony, all we know is that the pictures of your happy day will be that much more gorgeous with a dog included in them!

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