Coast Gravity Park Announces Opening Day

Coast Gravity Park, Canada's local gem of shuttle access park, is slated to open for the season in just a few weeks. The park announced on Tuesday, April 2nd that they are slated to open April 13th.

Take a look at the park's opening day announcement below.

Coast Gravity is an iconic spot in western Canada that riders will travel days to go ride. If you think I'm kidding, I could count on two hands the number of groups from the East Coast that drove out there the last time I was at the park.

It may not be the most cutting edge park out there anymore, but there is a special magic in the air at Coast that just isn't replicable anywhere else.

For those of you who haven't ridden there but have always wanted to, take this as your sign to bite the bullet and make a trip out there. You won't regret it, I promise.

Related: The 5 Bike Parks That Should Be On Your Radar

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